Sunday, March 8, 2015


Does anyone besides me have problems with waiting? Just wait, and wait,and wait,and finally you this really ever going to happen for me? I become impatient,and frustrated at times waiting for things that I know that the Lord has for me, I know what He has put into my spirit,and I know what He has called me to do for Him. 
Then I keep running into roadblocks,stop signs,closed doors,and I cry out to the Lord,and say Lord! What is up with this? I know what you have told me, what is it that you are trying to say to me right here? Am I praying amiss? Am I on the wrong path? Please Lord, show me,guide me,and let me know what You would have me to do! I know Lord that Your word says that you will give me the desires of my heart;but, Lord, I want to do your will, if my desires are out of place,or inappropriate,or wrong for me, I know that You will tell me,show me,and lead me into that place where You want me to be.
 In my frustration,and aggravation,and hurt, the Lord began to speak to me,and this is what He dropped down into my spirit....Isaiah 40:31 But,those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength;they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary,they shall walk and not faint. I said, o.k. Lord, I get it, just wait. You know all throughout scripture we see the words,and in due time, it came to pass, well, apparently it is not the due time. When I was growing up, I was a spoiled little kid, I very seldom ever heard the word no, or wait;but, now that I am grown up,not just physically;but, spiritually as well, I am learning to wait. Nothing else, just wait. What do you do while you are waiting? Do you just sit around,and say well, I am waiting on the Lord? No, I believe that you do what you can for the Lord,and you do what you know to be the right thing,and then the thing that you are waiting on the Lord for, will come to pass. Waiting is hard people, I am here to tell you;but, I truly believe that this is building more character in me,and making me more useable,and fit for God's Kingdom purposes.

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