Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Is your wood wet?

When you get ready to build a fire, the first thing that you do is arrange the dry wood, and then ignite it with fire. If the wood is wet, it will not ignite or catch,and you have no light, and no heat. Let's look at some scriptures on this subject of fire. Deuteronomy 4:24 tells us that God is a consuming fire.
Malachi 3:2 tells us that He is like a refiners fire.
Matthew 3:11 He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire.
The Word of God tells us in James 5:16 to be fervent. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. The word fervent means HOT! So, in other words the effective, hot prayer of a person in right standing with God, gets the job done!
The Lord doesn't like lukewarm or cold, He wants us to be HOT! On fire for Jesus so that others will catch the fire, and spread it on to others. Have you ever been around someone that is like a damp washcloth? They aren't on fire, and they seem to have the ability to not only keep their own fire put out, but, and the fire of everyone around them.
We are to help fan each others flames, to help each other stay on fire for our great God! Complaining, gossiping, bickering will put out a fire quicker than anything. On the other hand if we come into God's house with anticipation of His holy presence, and we begin to worship Him, and to praise Him, and to forget about ourselves, and glorify His name. He will come, and habitate(live) with us. The Word says that the Lord inhabits the praises of His people. The Word also says in Hebrews 12:29 that our God is a consuming fire, so, it stands to reason that if He is a consuming fire, and He is among us, then His fire will fall on us, and we will be hot for Him daily!
Revelation 3:16 tells us that that God wants us to be one or the other. Either be hot, or be cold. Not lukewarm or He will spew us out of His mouth.
Hot because, then people can see the fire, and want to catch it themselves. If we are cold, then we are carnal, hypocrites, and that does more damage than good. Be hot!
When you are trying to start a fire, it's kind of hard to get it started with wet wood! When wood is wet, what do you do to it? You lay it out in the sunshine, and let it dry out so that it can catch on fire. Well glory to God it is the same way with us if we keep ourselves in the presence of God, in the SON shine then we will be ready to catch on fire for Him! If we will seek His face, and honor Him daily with our praises, and our worship, and truly try to obey His word, and seek Him, and follow Him in everything that we do, we will be fervently hot, and those around us will feel the heat from the flames. If their hearts are cold, then they will be warmed, and they will want the fire that we have. If we are always complaining, talking the problem, talking about the sickness, and the disease, and the problem, then we are like a wet blanket that has just been thrown on a fire to put it out. We must be hot for the Lord. The time of complacency, and apathy are over.

 Now is time to get right with God, to walk after Him daily, to stir up that fire that is within us. Jeremiah said that the Word of God was like fire shut up in his bones. Now, that is hot folks! Since God is like a fire, then we being born again, and having His spirit shouldn't we be on fire too? People of the world think that Christians are at church sitting on their hands, and that they are just memorizing some big book of do's and don'ts they don't see the miraculous coming from us. People being saved, healed, & delivered. They don't see us being overcomers, and being salt, and light, all they see is a bunch of cold, miserable people that try to abide by a bunch of rules, and not being able to do so, become complacent, and in a rut. I say let's get out of the rut, let's get off of the stool of do nothing, and get on fire for God, let's turn this city, our world upside down for God .

Let's show people Christ in us the hope of Glory!!!  If your wood is wet, then let the fire of God dry out your wood, and ignite it for Him, and then shine out in the darkness of this world, and give warmth to those whose hearts have grown cold. John Wesley said, "Set yourself on fire and men will come to watch you burn." People want to see an onfire Christian, they don't want to see a weak, beat down, wet washcloth kind of wimpy person that just goes with the flow. No!!! this world needs to see real Christians that will stand against the enemy at any cost! We are blessed in this country to be able to go to our places of worship and worship without fear of persecution of any kind. Meanwhile in other countries our brothers and sisters in Christ are losing their very lives for the sake of the gospel. Yes, they are fervently hot! without a doubt they could have kept their mouths shut and managed to stay on this earth for a while longer, but, being on fire for God, they chose to withstand the persecution for His name sake. Wow, how in the world are we going to overcome and be able to cross over into that glorious city one day if we can't even seem to manage to attend church regularly? Lord help us to be HOT! FAITHFUL! VICTORIOUS OVERCOMERS!

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