Sunday, March 22, 2015

Praying For The Nations

A friend of mine brought up the fact that the Lord promised us nations, Psalms 2:8, and we are not even up to city level yet! Why is this? Why aren't we affecting nations for the Lord Jesus as we should be? I think that it is because we don't have a consistent, effectual prayer life. We get too busy with the day-to-day business of what we call our "Life". 
We need to realize that without the Lord we would not even have breath. We need to realize how close we are to eternity,and that so many people are teetering on the edge of eternal lostness. Let's get serious about praying for our neighbors, let's get serious about praying for the nations. Let's get serious about supporting our missionaries financially,and covering them in prayer. Let's bathe the entire universe with fervent prayer! Remember when Mary,and Joseph got separated from Jesus,and they had gotten concerned about His whereabouts,and when they located Him in the temple teaching, He calmly stated to them,"Don't you know I must be about My Father's business?" That should be us, continually in prayer, and fasting,seeking the Lord,and His will for our lives,and then we will see the nations of the earth come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ! 
When the Gospel has been preached the entire world over,then Jesus will come,and receive us to Himself, Matthew 24:14,let's make this our ever present thinking in the foreground of our minds. Not as an afterthought. Set aside a time for prayer. Not just as you lie down at night, or only at church. Purposefully set aside a prayer time each day. I  have committed myself to pray daily for the nations,and I know that the Lord is going to use this prayer time to do mighty things. To reveal things to me,and work many wonders in my life and those around me. The Word clearly tells us in Chronicles if my people which are called by My name, will humble themselves,and pray,and seek My face,and turn from their wicked ways,then will I hear from Heaven,and will forgive their sin,and heal their land. I challenge you today to join us daily in praying for our nation,and for the salvation of the nations. Let's see what the Lord will do.

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