Friday, March 6, 2015


In Exodus 3 when the Lord God told Moses to go to the children of Israel, and tell them that "I AM" had sent him. What did He mean by that? Well.....I have studied, read, researched, listened to messages, meditated, and prayed on this, and I believe that the Lord was saying: "I AM WHATEVER YOU NEED!" 
What did they need first? They needed deliverance, He was that, He delivered them out of the hands of the Egyptians, straight out of bondage, delivered in one night! They needed provision, He was that too, they came out of Egypt with gold, precious stones, and metals of every kind, every kind of beautiful fabric, they needed provision, He was that, He caused them to have favor with the Egyptians, and they just gave it willingly to them! Well praise God!
 They needed a Savior, He was that! He saved them from the death angel first of all, and then he saved them from the Egyptians by drowning them in the depths of the Red Sea! They needed healing, the Word of God says that when they came up out of Egypt there wasn't one feeble or sick among them! Hallelujah! He was that healing too!
 What do you need today? Do you need deliverance from an addictive bondage? He is that deliverance today. Do you need provision for your family? He is that too. Do you need a Savior today? Do you need to be saved from your sins so you can escape the wrath to come? He is that! He gave His son Jesus to die on the cross so that you wouldn't have to suffer in Hell!, John 3:16, Do you need a friend? He is that too. The Word of God says that He will stick closer than a brother, Proverbs 18:24, that He will never leave you nor forsake you!,  Do you need a healing today? He is that. The Word of God says in Isaiah 53:5 & 1 Peter 2:24 that by His (Jesus) stripes we were healed. The need is not what moves God, or there would never be a need. He is moved by faith! Many, many times in the Bible Jesus said to people according to your faith, be it done unto you. Do you have faith in God today? Do you believe His word? I believe that our problem does not lie in the fact that we doubt that He can do it, I think that the problem lies in the fact that we doubt that He will do it for us, and through us. He WILL DO IT!! Just ask in faith believing, and it shall be done, according to your faith! Hallelujah!
 Remember when Lazarus had died and Jesus came to the tomb site and Mary and Martha were crying and wailing and said Jesus if you had come Lazarus would not have died? She told Jesus that she knew that Lazarus would raise again on the resurrection day, and then Jesus turned to Mary and said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.” You see? He was exactly what Lazarus needed, He was and is the resurrection. He is the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Jesus. Sometimes we may have a situation or one of our family members or friends may have a situation that in the natural, would be an impossible situation but, with God all things are possible. All we have to do is believe. He is EVERYTHING that we could ever need! He is our Savior, Redeemer, Healer, Provider, Protector, Best Friend, our Good Shepherd and the list goes on and on. Whatever we could ever need, HE IS THAT!

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