Monday, March 2, 2015

The truth about Mustard seed

We have all heard talks, sermons, lessons about the little Mustard seed. Almost sounds so pitiful. Like bless it's little heart, it can't do much, it is so little and tiny. When Jesus spoke about the Mustard seed, His point was that although it was small in size, it could grow into a huge harvest. In Matthew 17:20 Jesus said truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Now while studying on this subject one day, the Lord said to me, go farther, look deeper, so I said well I am going to read more scriptures on faith and then I thought well...let me just look up the Mustard plant and see what it's characteristics are and here is what I found: 
Mustard is an ancient plant that’s full of appeal for contemporary gardeners. The plants are easy to grow and produce seed in as few as 60 days. The greens are edible, the flowers attractive, and if the seeds are allowed to mature on the plant, they will self-sow and still provide plenty for mustard making. So lets enumerate these things 1. Easy to grow and produces seeds in as few as 60 days
2. Every single part of the mature plant is useable, the greens, the flowers, and the seeds. 4. The seeds are self-sowing.

So now we see the true nature of a Mustard plant even though the seeds are small and of course there are seeds that are smaller, like poppy seeds and so forth but, in that region where Jesus was speaking and teaching on this subject that was the smallest seed, this little seed when sown will grow and produce a plant that casts more seeds within 60 days. Now, that is totally awesome! The greens are beautiful and can be eaten in a salad, turned into greens for a beautiful display for fruit/vegetable trays, they can be eaten like any other green, the flowers are so pretty as you can see in the picture above and when that plant is allowed to mature, the seeds sow themselves by just dropping off of the plant. Now, that is some good seed right there!

So likewise our faith, even if it is as small as a grain of mustard seed, when it is sown and allowed to come to maturity, it will produce a HUGE harvest in our lives. We must have faith to please God. The Word tells us without faith, it is impossible to  please Him, Hebrews 11:6  So, we must water, fertilize, cultivate the seed of faith that we have within us. The Word tells us that everyone was given the measure of faith, Romans 12:3 So, now what we do with that faith after it is given to us, is another story altogether. Faith is to be stewarded just like money, time, things. When we don't sow the seed of faith, it can't grow. What we feed, will grow and what we starve will surely die. So, how does faith come? Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, Romans 10:17 tells us. So, we need to hear and to hear and to hear and to hear the Word. Read it out loud to yourself every day. Listen to preachers and teachers of the Word, however you can get that Word into your eyes, ears and heart that is what we need to do. Faith is alive and is grows but we have to grow it. Faith is not going to grow by itself. We can't just sit at home and never read the Word and never go to church and listen to the preachers and teachers of the Word and just fill up our minds and hearts with all of the garbage that the devil is spewing out all over tv, radio, internet on a daily basis. Guard your hearts and minds because of out your heart flows the issues of life.

There was a time in my life that I attended a church that had 3 Sunday morning services. I went to all 3 every single Sunday. Now, I am sure that some folks thought, that woman is crazy for sure! But, you know what? I didn't care. I was going through some really tough times and I was trying to grow something in my life and I was soaking up every single word of those sermons. I was fertilizing and watering that faith seed in my life. Then during the week, I was attending every Revival or meeting I could attend. I was feeding my faith, sounds extreme doesn't it? Well...when you are in a mess, you need to hear a message and that is what I was doing. Then at home, I prayed, meditated on the Word and listened to even more messages online and so forth. I was growing something folks and I didn't care if it hairlipped every devil in hell, I was going to grow that seed! Glory to God sometimes when you are trying to grow a thing, you have to get drastic with the measures that you take. 

Be diligent, with your seed of faith, sow it, protect it, pray over it, fertilize it and then watch it GROW so BIG that you will be amazed at what God has done in your life.

God is faithful to His Word. His Word never returns to Him void. Likewise when we speak His Word over our seed, it will not return void either. We can fully expect a HUGE harvest over what our faith has sown. Whether you are using your faith today to believe for healing, prosperity, salvation for your family, whatever it is, God is well able to bring your seed of faith to full fruition, if you do what the Word says. You know when we start to plant our gardens, most people unless they are just seasoned gardeners look at the seed packets or read up on the seed, to see how that seed performs, i.e. what kind of conditions to plant that particular seed in, what the watering requirements are and if it needs full sun, partial sun, etc. but, somehow in the spirit realm we seem to think that we can just throw any ole seed out there and it is just going to do it's thing! No, that is not how it works! We must be diligent with our faith to watch over what we have sown, in prayer daily over that seed, knowing that God will bring that HARVEST!


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