Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Refiner's Fire

My son Brandon, and I had a conversation about his work one time, at the time he worked where they make sprockets for many different machines. He was telling me how that when the part initially comes off of the machine, it is very easily broken. I asked him why, and he said, it hasn't been through the fire yet. When he said that to me, something went off in me like a firework! 

That's exactly the way we are. The more tests, and trials, and tribulations that we go through the tougher we become. I asked him about the processes that the part has to go through, and it is rigorous, and time consuming. He said after that part has gone through all of those processes and after it has been through the fire, it is virtually indestructible. I thought wow! You know, the Word tells us in many different scriptures about gold, and how it goes through the purifying fire, and how that the gold isn't as valuable until it has been through the fire, and all of the impurities have been taken off. 
I have been praying for quite some time now: Oh Lord please take all of the imperfections out of me. Anything that is unpleasing to you, reveal it to me, and I will stop. When I first began to pray those prayers I had no idea what I was in for! But, when the purifying process began, it really began. The more He removes the more fit for the kingdom I become.
I don't want to ever be an unusable vessel, I always want to be able to do what the Lord is asking me to do, and go when he says go, and stay when He says stay. Sometimes, when people, and circumstances come into our lives we don't understand why; but, when we take the time to say o.k. Lord how is this perfecting my character for the kingdom, it takes on a different light. Once we become more kingdom minded, we don't mind the fire as much as before. 
Today if you are going through what seems like a 5 alarm fire in your life, just remember, that the fire is a purifying fire and it will burn out those things that are not pleasing to Him and what is left behind is pure gold. The Word tells us in 1 Peter 1:7 These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold--though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world. Oh praise God, so let’s don’t dread the fire in our life, let’s embrace it, because He surely knows what He is doing and if we are going to be more useful, we must be purified, strengthened for this BIG work that He has called us to do.

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