Saturday, March 21, 2015

Perfect Peace

Perfect Peace
 "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace who's mind is stayed on thee, because he trusts in thee. This is found in Isaiah 26:3
So, this means if we continually keep our minds on God,and His word,and His will for our lives,and be ever mindful of what He wants us to do daily, we will be at peace.
The word of God calls Jesus the Prince of peace. The word says that He inhabits the praises of His people,Psalm 22:3 so, if  you praise Him, He will show up,and live with you,and since He is the Prince of peace you will have peace in your home. When anger,frustration,hurt feelings, offense tries to come into your home, immediately recognize it for what it is,and begin to rebuke the enemy,and then hit him with the word of God this is the perfect scripture for strife or anger in the home.Isaiah 32:18-And my people shall dwell in a peaceable habitation, and in sure dwellings,and in quiet resting places. That is a promise from God,and He takes His promises seriously.
 God is not a man that He should lie so, if He says that you shall live in peace,then you shall live in peace. It is up to you to keep the peace flowing in your home. Praise,and worship will help to keep peace as a reality in  your home continually. It is natural to get angry but, not to sin when you get angry the word says be angry,and sin not. This means if someone has angered you, keep a watch on your mouth, cause remember you are snared by the words of your mouth, be careful what you allow to come out of your mouth. The word says a soft answer turns away wrath. I.e. if your husband or wife or whoever says something ugly,hateful,spiteful to you, think first,and speak later. Don't speak quickly, have a natural delay practice that, it's just like when the phone rings, I always say Lord Jesus don't let this be something bad,and I prepare myself for the call before I ever pick up the receiver,well, this can also apply to our responses or reactions to other people. Delay yourself with an answer or comeback, speak with love, with peace,and the anger has to leave. 
Some people like myself have a natural tendency to jump first,and look later, this can be brought on by being a hyper person, or it can be brought on by early abuse in life, it can be brought on by many things, but, the enemy is always looking for ways to get into your home,torment you,and to get a stronghold on you or on members of your family to rob you of your peace which is a gift from God. Jesus said  peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you , not as the world gives give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled ,neither let it be afraid. Wow, the prince of peace has given us a gift! He has given us peace it is up to us to open that gift,and to use it daily. I have struggled with this for a long time,and now I am getting better at it, because, I have studied the scriptures on peace,and I have daily praised,and worshipped God,and spoken peace over myself,and over those around me.
When anything tries to steal my peace by trying to bring chaos or unrest into play, I just begin to say out loud peace God, I speak peace into my house, Lord I speak peace into my family,and then I begin to thank  Him for it in advance, Thank you God for your peace, Lord the word says that you are the prince of peace,and I thank you for the peace that passes all understanding that is now coming into my life, thank you Jesus you are an awesome God, greatly to be praised, you alone are worthy of our praise and worship, you are high,and holy,and lifted up,you get the picture,and immediately,without any delay whatsoever, I feel the overwhelming peace of God flowing into the situation. Delay your responses,and your actions,and pray ,and thank God for peace, speak in love,and peace,and then anger and it's explosive nature will leave you,and your house,and you will experience the peace of God in any situation.
 Nothing speaks to an unsaved person any louder than watching a christian go through something tough,and keep their peace,and to continue to be happy ,and peaceful in any situation, it boggles their mind,and then you have a perfect opportunity to explain,and expound to them the word of God,and the plan of salvation right there. Peace is a gift from God, it is a weapon in our arsenal of Spiritual weapons to fight the enemy. Thanks be to God for peace amen,and amen!

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