Thursday, March 19, 2015

Live It!

Let your light so shine before men,that they may see your good works,and glorify your Father,which is in Heaven, Matthew 5:16, If you are a Christian, people know it, you don't have to try to shove it down their throats. Let your life speak for itself. You can catch more bees with honey,than with vinegar. When you continually hit someone in the head with the Bible, all they are going to get out of that is a holy concussion. Folks are always wanting to hit folks in the head with the Jesus hammer, flash the Jesus hammer is for Christian folks to crucify their own flesh with, it is not to hit sinners in the head. People are won by love, not by crude religious rules and regulations. LOVE IS ALL THERE IS. God loved, so He gave, He sent Jesus to die for us. LOVE IS WHAT SAVED US. So why then do we think that the way to win folks is to yell at them and tell them what awful sinners they are? Doesn't work folks, just does not work. Love covers a multitude of sins and it draws people to repentance. The 3 things that changed my life forever are these: 1. God loves me with an everlasting love, 2. God has a specific plan just for me, & 3. God is in complete control and sits on the throne. After I got hold of those 3 vitally important things, my life was forever changed and I have followed God ever since.
 Live it, breath it, walk it, but, don't abuse it. We are called to be salt,and light in this world. Not to be judges,and complainers,and criticizers of other peoples lives or their lifestyles. We are called to be salt;but, you know what when you put too much salt on something, what happens? It becomes bitter, we are called to be light;but, if it is too much light to quickly, what happens? It becomes blinding. When someone is living in darkness, it's like they are in a dark cave and can't see, if you come along with your bright flashlight shining it full on into their eyes, they will be blinded, but, if you walk up to the cave, call out to them in love, shine the light on the path before them and take them by the hand and lead them out of the cave of darkness into the glorious light, they will be able to see and will adjust their eyes to the light. Walk in love. Love God first,and then love people,and everything else will fall into place. When we see someone doing something that they shouldn't be doing, or hear them saying something that they shouldn't say, we need to remember, that we used to be sinners as well. We are not to be judges;we are to be fruit inspectors. The fruits of the spirit are as follows: Love, Joy, Peace,Patience,Kindness,Goodness, Faith,Gentleness,and Self-Control, these are the fruits of the spirit. If these fruits are not evident in your life or the lives of those around you, chances are their is a spiritual deficiency somewhere. 
We are to pray for folks, not condemn them. We are to help people,and speak positively into their lives,not criticize them. We have all sinned,and fallen short of the glory of God. We need to remember, it is God's job not ours to tell people how to talk,dress, walk, act, etc. We can live by example,and then they will get it. We are to be fishers of men. It is not our job to clean them up, that is the Spirit of God's job. We catch em,and He cleans em,and I am glad, I never did like to clean fish anyway. I love to fish,mind you, I just don't like to clean them. I know that sounds facetious to some of you,but, seriously, the Spirit of God is the only one that can make a change in a person's heart,that is then reflected on the outside, by their way of speech, dress, lifestyle, whatever. That is not our job!!!

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