Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Salt & Light

Blessed be the name of the Lord God,who has caused us to triumph! He is good,and above Him there is none other. I am so grateful that He looked beyond my faults,and saw my need. I am so grateful that He knows the end from the beginning,and is always working out all things for my good,and for His glory. There is not any problem or complication to big for Him. He is in charge,don't doubt it!, He wants good things for us, He always has. We are the ones that get in our own way. He isn't stopping our flow of blessings, we are. He isn't stopping our healing,we are. When someone gives you a gift,and you refuse to receive it,or when someone gives you a gift,and you never use it,is it their fault or yours? He has given us everything that we need to be overcomers.  The Word tells us in John10:10 that Jesus said, the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy but I have come to give you life and more abundantly but, for some reason we refuse to walk in that abundant life.

 He has given us salvation, He has given us the baptism of the Holy Spirit, He has given us healing,and blessings,deliverance,and authority. Jesus isn't going to do anything else, His work is finished, it was finished on the cross of Calvary. Yes, we are to pray,and talk to Him daily;but, we keep asking for things that we already have. I know that must make Him sad. We must realize who we are in Christ,and then walk in it, then we will begin to see people come to Christ,and get salvation, deliverance, healing,blessing,prosperity. Jesus is not seated at the right hand of the Father because His work is complete. He has done all that He is going to do. Yes, He makes intercession for us but, He has given us the authority to bind the works of the enemy. He has given us the power and the authority to walk upright in this earth realm. Come on somebody! Let's let Jesus rest and do what we are supposed to be doing? We are supposed to be laying hands on the sick, preaching the gospel, binding up the works of the enemy, releasing health, healing, wholeness, deliverance, love, peace, whatever is needed. He said that we have the authority,so why in this world don't we use it? We spend more time worrying about what our neighbor said, did, has whatever than we do in the study of the Word.

 First the believers in Christ must get it right. We must stop chewing on each other long enough to get it right ourselves. Stop the gossiping,the lying,and back-biting. Stop letting chaos rule in our lives,and let peace reign. Why should people come to Christ, when they see Christians in constant turmoil,and chaos? We must get this thing right! I say peace be still to all these storms that are brewing in the body of Christ! Jesus said that people will know that we are His followers by our love. We are to love God and to love people. People are not won to Christ by telling them that they are wrong, terrible sinners, they are won by the love of Jesus Christ, Romans 2:4 says that the goodness of God leads to repentance. The Holy Spirit has to draw a person in order for that person to be saved. We need to stop hindering the work of the Holy Spirit! How is He going to work on a person when every single Christian that they see is either a complete hypocrite or they are seemingly unhappy in their own salvation? The joy of the Lord is our strength and we need to start acting like we are saved for crying out loud! When someone knows automatically that I am a Christian, that lets me know that I am doing my job. We shouldn't have to walk around with a gospel tee, a Jesus fish and shouting I am a Christian! 

It is what we say, and do that let's people know who and what we are not so much what we say. Yes, we should be saying the right things as well....but, actions definitely speak louder than words. Let's show the world who we are, let's speak peace, love, and comfort. Let's give until it hurts, let's dance and sing and shout before the Lord and do the works that He sent us to do. We are called to be salt and light in this world. Salt makes folks thirsty for a good ole' drink of water and it also seasons things, makes them taste better and it is also a preserver. Light obviously repels darkness and causes people to be better able to see how to walk. Let's do it, let's be that salt and light in this dark world. Let's do what He has told us to do. Let's be who He has called us to be.

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