Saturday, March 28, 2015

Leveling up

When my kids were little, they loved to play video games. Especially Mario Brothers. I could hear them from the next room, and my oldest was helping his younger brother with his levels because he had passed him a while back. He would say now watch out right here, that guys throws hammers at you, but, if you will get right here and let him throw the hammer and then run and jump and you can fly, he will miss you or jump right here and a star will come out and make you invincible long enough to get away from him and get to the next level. Then of course it was just kids talking about a video game but, now when I look back, and listen in on that conversation, it is more than a memory of two little boys playing video games. On this Christian walk we go from faith to faith and from glory to glory. We do attain different levels and just like some of these video games the higher the level, the more difficult to conquer and move up.

Pastor Paul Strong used to say all the time different level, different devil and that is so true. When you push and push and believe and receive and decree and declare and believe some more and finally get to what you can clearly see is another level, you shout woohoo!!! I made it out of that level, then you start moving forward in this new level and realize that yes, you have more power, and yes you have a distinct and more clarified understanding of what was going on in the last level, but, you also receive revelation knowledge of what not to do in this level. I tell you right now some days I am decreeing the Word, believing it the whole time, speaking life,health, healing, wholeness in Jesus name and don't see a thing happening, but, I know that I walk by faith and not by sight and that when I hold fast to my confession, those things will come into view in time. The Word tells us that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen, Hebrews 11:1  You see it doesn't matter what we see with our natural eyes. What matters is what God says and that never changes. You might be fighting an enemy but the good news is, he has already been defeated. He gets bull headed and has to be reminded from time to time who he is and who you are and what the rules of engagement are. He is not dealing with Job anymore! He is now dealing with the blood bought, redeemed, healed, favored, blessed child of God. We will not be filled with fear!

We must realize who we are in Christ Jesus! When we get into these levels that seem so hard that we just can't get through them, we must then realize where I strength comes from and power up through the Word of God. We are made overcomers by the blood of the lamb and the Word of our testimony! We don't have to get pushed around! The enemy isn't running us, God is in control of us, not the enemy. God has not given us a spirit of fear but, of power and love and a sound mind. We don't have to be afraid of what the enemy is going to do. We just have to keep our self fessed up to God, fasted up, prayed up, and He will keep us lifted up in Jesus name!

In that little Mario game that I mentioned earlier, they had a little box where all of your little weapons were and food and such. You could go in and put on different suits to fight different enemies and you could power yourself up with mushrooms and different little gadgets. By the time lil' Mario had reached Bowzer, he had already been through hot dessert sands, volcanoes, pirhanna infested waters, bombs, flying enemies, fire balls just to name a few, but, then at the end, he defeats his silly as all of this may sound, we have the same thing in the Word of God, He has given us the whole armor of God to put on, we have the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the sword of the spirit, gospel shoes, shield of faith and the belt of truth. We are to feast on God's Word to make us strong and as we fight the enemy on the different levels we will have an arsenal of weapons at our disposal to fight at each level. We are not weak, beat down babies. We are children of the most High God and we were built to fight the good fight of faith and to win!!!! Power up today with the Word of God and move forward to the next level! Glory to God! Get your mind on Christ Jesus, the Author and the finisher of our faith, Set your mind and eyes on the prize, don't give up, don't give in and victory is on the way!! Glory to God!

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