Saturday, February 28, 2015

Who's your daddy?

We are never more like God the Father than when we love the unlovable and speak the truth. He is love and He cannot lie. Jesus told the Pharisees, in John 8:44, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a  murderer from the beginning and he abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it. Wow! now that is some strong language. So, when we lie or do something to make someone to believe a lie, then we are acting just like the devil, the father of lies.

The Word also tells us in Revelations 21:8 that all liars will be put into the lake of fire. Now, I don't know about you, but, that DOES NOT sound like a place that I want to go! I don't want to tell lies and be like the devil. I am going to always tell the truth, no matter what the cost. Some people will actually encourage you to lie on your taxes, on your bills, to a potential mate or any of a number of things, but, those people are not who you will answer to one day. We will all give an account of what we said and did in this body on the earth to God in Heaven, The Word says so in 2 Corinthians 5:10. When we tell lies then, we are acting like the devil and when we tell the truth and walk in love and truth we are acting like God in Heaven.

As Christians, we have been adopted by God the Father and we are now to act, look, dress, smell, talk, walk like Him. We are not to look like the devil any longer. God has brought us out of bondage and into His marvelous light. So, therefore He is now our Father( Abba, Daddy) however you want to say it. We are to be imitators of Him not of the enemy of our souls, the devil! One thing I just cannot abide, is a liar. Oh they get on my last nerve and then I have to ask God to help me deal with them in a kind and responsive way, instead of a rough and reactive kind of way. I want to look at them and say Liar! you are like your father the devil! repent before God casts you into the lake of fire and then I realize that isn't my place and so I pray for them and bless them in the name of the Lord and move on. I have been lied on more than a rug, I tell you right now but, God is on my side and if God be for me, who can be against me? He will fight my battles if I just keep my mind on Him and His perfect peace overtakes me like a flood of joy and nothing that the enemy can say or do even matters even more. When I go into that secret place of the Most High God and just call on Him. I heard Beth Moore say one time that when someone treated her this way, she told on them to her Father. I laughed at first, but, then I thought well..that's exactly what I do as well. I cry out to Him and ask Him to help me. He already knows everything, it's not like you are giving Him new information but, He wants to hear about it and help you. He wants to be your Father (Abba, Daddy). I guess what I am asking is who is your daddy? Is it the devil, the father of lies? or is it Almighty God that sits on the throne in Heaven?

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