Sunday, February 15, 2015


Jesus came to seek and to save those that are lost. Sometimes as the "found" ones we forget that there are others out there that do not know God. Oh, they have heard about God. Most of the times, He has been sorely misrepresented by someone that truly doesn't have a relationship with him and they find themselves totally confused and have no desire to be "found" or that they are even lost for that matter.

As Christians we are to be about the Father's business and His business is saving souls, redeeming people from the curse of sin and death and bringing them into His marvelous kingdom of light. We must tell them about Jesus, we must show them the love of God. Oftentimes we seem to feel the need to beat people in the head with a Jesus hammer and all that ever does is give someone a holy concussion! People need to be shown the love of God. To hear about how He sent His son Jesus to save us from our sins, to love us with an everlasting love. To heal our bodies, protect us, and to show us that better way.

People are LOST and they need to be found, we need to be out in the highways and the hedges and compelling them to come into the kingdom before it is eternally too late. We must work while it is still day for there comes a darkness when no man can work. The word is very clear that God doesn't want anyone to be lost, but rather that He wants all to come to repentance. God desires to have relationship with us. He loves us and doesn't want us to perish. We are the ones that have free will and choose to either believe in Him, ask for forgiveness of our sins and follow after Him,or we choose not to believe, carry on in our sins and refuse to follow Him.

The choice is ours. Let's get out here in the streets, at the Walmart, at the bank, at the grocery store, at the beauty shop, at the car wash everywhere and show the love of God. You don't have to wear a Jesus t-shirt and be an evangelist to show people Jesus. You just have to have a heart for God and a heart for people and want to see people come into the kingdom. Ask Him to put people in your path today to show His love to and He will answer your prayer. He will send you someone or maybe several someones to show His love too.

The lost are won by the love and mercy of God not spouting out rules and regulations and religion. Religion never saved anyone! The only way for people to be saved is true repentance for our sins and crying out to God to save us, to forgive us, to heal us. That is the only way! The word says Jesus is The Way,The Truth and The Life. There is no other name under Heaven given by where men can be saved.

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