Thursday, February 12, 2015


So many times when we have a problem we forget to magnify the Lord,and His goodness,and provision. We talk the problem up, how big the problem is, how impossible it seems. Oh Lord, I don't know what I am going to do this is just an awful situation. We seem to forget who our great God is! Meanwhile....the enemy of our souls the devil himself is lurking around with a pair of magnifying glasses for us to put on,and just like when Eve took a bite out of that apple,when we put on the magnifying glasses, our problem/problems seem to magnify to gargantuan preportions! Why? because when the devil gets you to put on those glasses, he is getting you to look at the storm, the problem, the sickness, the disease, the financial crisis. Whatever, the problem is, no matter how impassable or impossible it seems God is greater! Oh magnify the Lord with me! Magnify the Lord, not the problem. Don't put on the devil's magnifying glasses. Look at your problem through the Word of Truth, seek out what the Word of God says, rehearse in your thinking,and say out loud as David did. When he said I killed a lion,and a bear,and I can surely take care of this uncircumcised Philistine! You see, David was magnifying what the Lord had done in his life, not what the enemy had done. No weapon formed against us will prosper folks. The Word doesn't say that the weapon won't be formed;but, it does say that it won't prosper. So, don't put on the devil's magnifying glasses today,submit yourself to God, resist the devil,and he will flee. Look at your problems through the eyes of faith, and watch what God will do. He will take your problems,and minimize them to a point where they are no longer visible,in fact they will be gone all together. Magnify the Lord,not the problem!

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