Friday, February 27, 2015

Milk Teeth

Aren't babies cute when they first get their little teeth? Oh they are so sweet and precious. Up until this time they have been gumming everything that they ingested, which has, for the most part,consisted of mother's milk or formula. But, as the little baby grows they need more to sustain health than just milk so they form teeth and are able with their little "milk teeth" to chew soft things and to digest them.

You wouldn't expect a newborn baby to be able to eat a Porterhouse steak, that would be foolish!
 Well...likewise we wouldn't expect a grown person with a full set of permanent teeth to sit around and eat applesauce and mashed bananas and milk either! In the church world this is what we have a whole lot of. We have a bunch of, what should be, full grown Christians that don't eat the meat of the Word, they just want the milk. Oh, they want to hear about how Jesus miraculously saved them and how they can be healed by that same faith, and they love to hear how God is going to prosper them and bless them and their family but, they don't want to hear about how to crucify that old flesh that wants to rise up and run the show from time to time! They don't want to stand and fight the good fight of faith, when the enemy comes at them with full force.

We must learn how to grow our permanent teeth in the Spirit. We must get the Word in our eyes, eat it, digest it, breath it, get it down into our minds and our hearts to be able to mature properly. When we learn how to use those permanent teeth and get hold of God's Word, we will begin to see some good mature spiritual fruit begin to show up in our lives. Some things we struggle with for months and years and when we finally get in that Word and get a revelation from God as to how to overcome that obstacle, then and only then will we be able to move on to the next level.

There have been things in my life that I just couldn't seem to get past. I would think that I had overcome them and then they would rear their ugly heads again and I would be frustrated and angry at myself for not having more self control or not exercising what I knew to do. But, through much prayer, and reading of the Word, and putting into practice what I learned from the Word, those things became easier for me to deal with and to overcome. I still deal with things, as we all do and I am trying daily to grow and to mature into a more Christ- like creature. I want to be not just acceptable to the Lord, but, pleasing to Him and I know that without faith actively working in my life, it isn't possible to please Him. Faith in His ability to help me to overcome my inabilities and inhibitions. Faith in Him to work in and through me to do His good will and for His good service.

I have been born again since 1969 and sometimes I feel like a baby Christian with milk teeth, when I look at the rapidly growing baby Christians around me. I think oh Lord, I truly wish that I would've gotten revelation that quickly and learned these things as readily as some of these babies have. The Lord reminds me that we must all work out our own salvation with fear and trembling and to keep focused on Him and not on others and the early accomplishments that they have acquired. We are all like sheep, the Word says and you know how foolish sheep can be. They are humble yes, and they are pretty and sweet but, they learn slow at best. Today I pray that we all learn to rely on Him to reveal to us through His Word the meat that we need to sustain us in this Spirit walk. I pray that we all get the Revelation of who He is and what He has done for us. Who we are in Christ Jesus. He has made us to be more than overcomers. Let's shed our "milk teeth" and get our permanent chompers so that we can dig in to God's Word and get that good Porterhouse steak that awaits us, in the scriptures. The Word is a veritable smorgasbord of information, education, exhortation, encouragement, guidance for our souls. up your Bible today and let the Lord spread the table before you and eat. 1 Peter 2:2 talks about the newborn babes in Christ, then in Hebrews 5:12 and following talks about the fact that maturing should be coming and the people were still drinking the milk of the Word. Good reading to realize who Jesus is, read the book of John, to realize who you are positionally in Christ Jesus, read the book of Ephesians, there is a scripture for anything that you are going through. Search them out and receive the meat.

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