Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Light as a feather

Proverbs 15:1 tells us: " A soft answer turns away wrath but, grievous words stir up anger." The Message paraphrase says it like this: " A gentle response defuses anger, but a sharp tongue kindles a temper-fire. Oh my, we sure don't want to start a fire with our words! I have seen the time when I would of argued until the bloody end. I just couldn't stand someone trying to, as I thought, rule over me or make me do something that I didn't want to do. I had suffered abuse at the hands of different folks and I had formed that tough girl exterior that wasn't going to let anyone push me around.

I was tired and weary of having to go through the same process over and over again of people taking advantage of me and running over me, never understanding that my harsh words were kindling a fire against me the whole entire time. The words that we speak have either life or death. Now that I know the Word, I know how to speak and when to speak. Does this mean that I never miss speak or get angry? No, it just means that I have, through the power of the Holy Spirit learned to be mindful of the words that come out of my mouth. To control my tongue because the Word tells us in James 3 that the tongue is like a wild horse, and a fire. That tongue can do alot of damage. I have seen marriages broken apart because of harsh words. I have seen sister against sister, brother against brother, child against parent because of words spoken in anger and malice. All the while, I am sure, the devil is laughing.

We must learn to ask the Holy Spirit of God to help us to control our tongue. To speak good words over ourselves and over others. Did you know when you say things like: "You will never amount to anything, or you are just like your daddy, or I hope your kids act as bad as you do, that you are pronouncing a curse over them? Watch your words. They are very powerful. God spoke the worlds into existence and we are made in the likeness and image of God and our words do have creative power. They can speak calmness to a chaotic situation or they can speak anger and malice into a situation. Let's be the soft as a feather folks, that come in and bring peace to a situation. Lets speak kind words, loving words, words of affirmation.

 The Word tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. This is so true. Watch your words today. This is an area that we could all use work on. The Word tells us that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. In other words, whatever you have allowed to get into your eyes and ears and has gotten into your heart, will eventually come out of your mouth. Guard your heart and mind, the Word tells us, for out of it flow the issues of life. Meditating on the Word, hearing the Word, Reading the Word helps us to be gentle in our responses, and allows us to speak with wisdom, clarity and love. They will know you by your love Jesus told His disciples. Love one another as I have loved you. Jesus didn't yell at people and stir up bitterness and anger. He spoke in love and compassion, even to those that crucified Him. He is our great example. So....let your words be light as a feather today, so they don't wound or bruise those around you.

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