Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Are those camel legs hanging out of your mouth?

When Jesus spoke to the hypocritical religious leaders of His day, He said a very profound thing to them,that actually sounds comical but, it is so very true. He told them in essence not to choke on the little things of the law that they were so fond of pointing out to everyone as a judgement that they held over their heads,while they were doing all manner of things that were so much worse than what they were fussing about.
He said it like this: Don't choke on a gnat while swallowing a camel. Doesn't that sound funny?

Don't people of today do the same thing? They say oh my I can't believe that this person did this or that when what they or their family is doing,is so much worse. For instance I heard someone say the other day,oh I would never talk ugly like that,speaking of the slang that someone was using,and I said maybe not but, you sure don't mind gossiping about everyone do you?

Well of course that wasn't so well received;but, seriously wouldn't that be just like Jesus said they are choking on a gnat,while swallowing a camel? Sounds ridiculous but, it is very profound when you think about it. We seem to think that what we do is just fine,but, we look around and clearly see the wrong that everyone else is doing.

It's like the woman that was looking out of her window one day,and she saw the neighbor ladies laundry hanging on the line,and she called to her husband,and said come look at this! He came in there and said what is it honey?  She said, I want you to look at that woman's nasty laundry hanging on the line she must not even know how to wash, I have never seen clothes that filthy,and on top of it all,she has them hanging on the line for everyone to see.

The husband walked into the hall,and got out a dust cloth,and came back and cleaned the window,which was filthy by the way,and said to her,there maybe you can see more clearly now! Of course, needless to say,the neighbor ladies laundry immediately became pristine and white.

Well...I guess he told her huh?  We think what a hateful woman. But, don't we do the exact same thing? We look at other people and all of their shortcoming and we think that we are so far above them,when in reality most of the time,we are more guilty than they are.

I figure if I work daily on my own shortcomings,character flaws,and sins,and keep the line of communication with my Heavenly Father open,and I confess my sins,and continually renew my mind with the water of the Word, I won't have nearly as much time to be worrying about what everyone else is doing,or not doing for that matter.

Hank Williams Sr. used to say it this way, mind your own business and you will be busy all of the time,mind your own business and you won't be minding mine.
Sounds like a really good idea.

When the woman was caught in the act of adultery and the pious and self righteous pharisees brought her to Jesus and threw her down before Him, Jesus didn't condemn her or criticize her, he told the phonies that if they had no sins,they could cast the first stone at her,and after they all left,for they knew that their sins were many, he turned to her and asked her where her accusers were and she said I have none,and the He said neither do I condemn you. Go...and sin no more!

Now, this is the one and only sinless son of the Most High God here saying go and sin no more I do not condemn you. But, for some reason we think that we have the right to judge, condemn and sentence people when we are mere humans just like them.

Would to God that we would position ourselves in a way that we would see people through the eyes of Christ and show people compassion instead of accusation. It is high time for us to show the love of Christ instead of trying to rule and reign over people.

My great friend, Pastor Paul Strong ,has said many times,when speaking about witnessing to others as one beggar telling another beggar where the bread is and that is exactly what it is. We were once sinners walking in darkness and Jesus turned the lights on for us so that we could clearly see that we were in dire need of a Savior. So, since we know this,we should continue to remember as the Apostle Paul said and such were some of you.
We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. He saves us all in the same way. By grace through faith in Jesus and by the blood that He shed. It isn't anything that we did or could ever do.

He did it all for us and so now it is our job not to judge and point fingers;but, to share our story with people and let them see what He has done for us,so that they will want to be a follower of Christ too. Whey would anyone want to be a follower of Jesus Christ if all of the followers that they meet are so mean and judgmental?

I say let's get the camel legs out of our mouths! Get the telephone pole out of our eyes! and start talking the talk and walking the walk and just love on folks. Jesus said they will know you by your love. He never said they will know you by your judgmental critical spirit. Just a little food for thought that I have been chewing on today.

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