Friday, February 13, 2015

Put some feet on those prayers!

We oftentimes want to pray and ask God to move on our behalf and then we don't move toward what we are praying for. We pray for healing and still speak out sickness and disease. We pray for our children to come back to Christ and then speak that they will never change. We really can't expect the Lord to just shower us with all the blessings that Heaven holds, when we won't put on our faith shoes and move forward! The word says that when we pray, we should believe that we receive what we pray for. That is the prayer of faith. So if we truly believe this, then we should get our feet lined up with what we just prayed and point ourselves toward that prayer coming to pass. We pray for peace and then we aren't peaceful, we pray for a no drama zone and we create drama. Pray, believe, receive! God hears us when we pray and then we have to line ourselves up with that word of God and our prayers will surely come to pass. Don't you know that it blesses God, when we pray and believe and then position ourselves to receive? I know that it does. I am putting on my faith shoes today, since we walk by faith and not by sight, and I am walking toward what I have been praying for! Put some feet on those prayers today, do what you can in the natural and He will do all that He does in the supernatural. We serve a mighty God that desires to bring good and perfect gifts into our lives. He's just waiting for us to get those prayers and feet lined up!

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