Monday, February 9, 2015

When we think about a beautiful butterfly we seldom think, hey this gorgeous creation of God used to be a worm. No, we just look at it,and say wow, that is such a beautiful butterfly. However, that beautiful butterfly had a not so beautiful beginning. He was crawling around all ugly,and insignificant,and was then put through some adversity,and ended up in a chrysalis where the real transformation began. Had this worm said:"This is just too hard, it is dark in here, everyone has left me,and there is no room in here,I can barely breath,and left the chrysalis,he would have never turned into the beautiful butterfly that we now admire.

 Metaphorically, this is so much like the Christian life. Right before any significant change or promotion,there comes adversity,darkness,a feeling of needing to get away,to get out of the situation that we are in. When we truly learn to let go,and let God, and just embrace the chrysalis of adversity,and change then we too will emerge one day as a glorious butterfly. There isn't anything sadder than to see someone in ministry who was almost there,and missed it. I don't want to be one of those people. I want to follow the direction of the Holy Spirit,and emerge as a beautiful reflection of the love of Christ. A usable,pliable instrument in the hands of the Lord. When we leave the chrysalis stage too soon, what we end up with is a half-finished mission, a half-finished assignment, a half-finished calling. Don't miss your God given calling in life. Don't let circumstances, people, hindrances get in your way of your destiny to become the butterfly that God has called you to be. Sometimes the chrysalis is formed by God for a distinct purpose in your life, like a refining fire to bring out the greatness that is buried deep within you.

 Other times the chrysalis is from the enemy. He has a design to distract you, to entangle you,and keep you from your "butterfly" destiny. He knows that you will never be a worm again,and that you will never go back to crawling around;so, he tries to stop the growth that will bring to full fruition the "butterfly" stage,which is your God given destiny. The Word says: All things work together for good to them that love the Lord,and are called according to His purpose. All things, so,that means that even when the enemy has tried to bind you up with addiction, confusion, depression,despair, whatever it may be. God is going to take whatever the enemy has formed against you,and use it for your good,and ultimately for His glory. Isn't God awesome?

 I never cease to be amazed at how God can take the bad,and turn it into good. Are you in a chrysalis today? Is God trying to perfect His purpose in  you? Is He continually fine-tuning your spiritual ears so that you will be more readily able to hear His voice? don't fight the growth, don't fight the confining feeling of the chrysalis,don't abort the mission before it is finished. Just wait on the Lord,and let Him take out the bad,and perfect the good,and then when you look in the mirror, you won't see a worm,you will see a butterfly. A beautifully,wonderfully made image of our great God,and Creator. Are you a worm on his/her way to greatness? I know that I am,and I am waiting on the Lord to purify me. To take out those things that are not pleasing to Him,and to replace them with spiritual fruit that will be pleasing to Him. Some days it feels like I will be in this closed off,dark place forever;but, I know that there is a butterfly on the way,and that makes it all worthwhile!

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