Thursday, February 26, 2015

Prayer is a weapon

 I have heard people say: "Well, all we can do now is pray." As if it was a last resort. Prayer should be the very first thing that we do every morning. Prayer is our communication lines with the Father. The Word says in 1 Peter 3:12, that His eyes are on the righteous and His ears are open to their request. So, now we see that the Lord is ready to listen to us, He is ready to answer our prayers but, He can't answer something we don't ask for. Ask and it shall be given unto you. We will talk for hours to everyone under the sun but, when it comes time to spend some quality one on one time with the Creator of the universe, our God, our Father, we just don't seem to have the time.

Prayer is a weapon against the enemy that the Lord God has favored us with. We can call on Him and He will answer us and show us great and mighty things that we know not, the Word tells us. We have angels encamped around us that are ready to be dispatched at a moments notice. They are just waiting on the Word to come out of our mouths. They have been given charge over us, to protect us, to war for us in the heavenlies. We are joint heirs with Jesus, we are more important to God than we realize. When we call on our Heavenly Father, the enemy of our souls does not have a chance.

Remember when we were kids and if someone messed with us, we would say, "I am going to tell my Daddy!" and we would run and tell our Daddy because we knew that he loved us and would do the right thing. He would protect us, and take up for us. much more will our Heavenly Father come to our rescue when we need Him to. He loves us so much that He sent His one and only begotten son Jesus, to die on a cruel cross for our sins. He loves us with an everlasting love. He wants to have fellowship with us and always has. The Word tells us that He walked in the cool of the day with Adam and Eve, He fellowshipped with them, was He the one that messed that beautiful garden walk up? Of course not, it was Adam and Eve through direct disobedience to God.

He wants to have fellowship with us. He wants to be our very best friend. You know we all have that special friend that has earned the title of BFF (Best friend forever) and they are human and make mistakes. They may hurt our feelings or do something wrong but, God is a friend that sticks closer than a brother, He loves us forever and protects us, guides us, heals us, provides for us and will never leaves us or forsakes us.

He wants to talk with us. Not only does He want us to come to Him with our requests, He just wants to visit with us. To start our day out with Him. Every morning before my feet hit the floor, I say oh God let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable and pleasing in thy sight oh Lord my strength and my redeemer, that is after we have had a long talk about the day, about any problems that are trying to rise up against me, after I have thanked Him for healing, thanked Him for loving me when I didn't even love myself and for being so good to me.

When I neglect to have that time, I feel empty and dry. We all need to spend more time in prayer. It is not a ritual, it is a relationship. You don't have to be on your knees, although in times He will meet you there, you don't have to have your eyes closed and pray for hours, He just wants to start every day with you. He wants to let you in on secrets, to divulge information about things to come and let you in on the part of the plan that you are ready to receive. We are seated in Heavenly places after all. Our Pastor preached on that just last night. We are already seated in Heavenly places with Jesus, and as He spoke, the Lord spoke to me and said, "Have a seat." I completely understood what He was meaning, He has already provided the seat of authority and we refuse to sit in that seat and take the charge and authority that has been given to us. I am taking my seat today beside Jesus in the Heavenly places. I am more than a conqueror, because He has made me to be so. Prayer (talking to you and with God) is one of the most powerful, and forceful weapons that we have. The power of prayer is an awesome thing. We should be more aware of the authority and the placement that we have in the kingdom of God. We say all the time, know who you are in Christ Jesus, well it is more than what we have thought, it is not just oh I am redeemed, no it is I AM seated in Heavenly places with Him. This is a positional, strategic placement. Jesus is seated above all authorities and principalities. He commands them and they must obey and if we are seated with Him, then we are in a strategic place to take authority over those things that would normally beat us up. Take your seat today and have a talk with your Heavenly Father. He has a very BIG plan and we are part of it.

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