Thursday, February 19, 2015


Did you get my request?
Years ago, I worked in medical records in a hospital in Alabama. I was a file clerk which consisted of answering the phone and taking requests for medical records. We had to look up the records on the computer and then go find them and then make copies and fax, or hand -deliver them to the doctors or technicians.
Some people are extremely impatient, to say the very least and they would only give you like 10minutes and then they would be calling you back and saying did you get my request? I sent it and I haven't heard anything yet. Now, if this was the first or second time of the day, it was a little humorous really, because they had no idea what the job entailed and how long it took to look up and to retrieve and deliver medical records, not to mention that hundreds of calls, faxes and the like were constantly flowing into our office.
They would of course act as if their request was the only one of the entire day and it needed our entire staff, if need be to fill that request immediately if not sooner.
Isn't this just like us? We pray about something one time and then we get frustrated when it doesn't get answered immediately. In the kingdom of God everything is based on God's timing, not ours. We with our little finite minds can't even comprehend the vastness of the entire world and that millions of people are praying at the same time, at any given time. What a mighty God we serve! He can hear everyone at the same time. He is omnipresent and can be at all places at the same time and he is omniscient as well, knowing all things. We should be ashamed really when we give up on God just before He delivers to us exactly what we are believing for, or just what we need, when we need it.
In medical records we would have these nurses that would call and want records for patients that were not in the office at the time, in fact the patient might not be going to be in the office for several more days; but, they wanted it right now. So, they would try to lie and act as if the patient was right there in the office, meanwhile patients in the ER that were in peril of losing their lives were expected to be put on the back burner while we went and got records for patients with non life-threatening illnesses.Of course me being me, I would ask them: Is the patient in the office now? Because, we have to fill requests according to a need status and of course someone having a heart cath right now, would take priority over say, a patient that isn't in the office and won't be for another day or two. Then most of the time, they would admit the truth and I would take their request and put it on the back burner, so to speak where it belonged. Aren't we glad that God isn't any respecter of persons? He fills our requests as we need them, not when we think we need them or want them for that matter. When we learn to wait for His perfect timing, things go so much smoother for us and we learn patience and perseverance while we are waiting. It's kind of like waiting in a doctor’s office, since, you know that you are going to be waiting, why not bring a book to read, instead of sitting there fuming because you are being made to wait? God knows all things and He knows exactly what we need and when we need it. We need to learn to wait on Him. The Word says they that wait on the Lord shall renew their wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and faint not, Isaiah 40:31, I want to be renewed don't you? I want to learn to wait on the Lord and let Him do for me what needs to be done. His will takes preeminence in my life and I am so grateful to Him for giving me the time to learn the things that He has been trying to teach me all of these many years now. He is a good God, He is faithful, He is just and He never makes a mistake. Many times when I would be frustrated to the point of crying out to God, why is this happening to me? I would hear His still small voice within me say. Sit down, calm down and just let me finish my work. Sometimes that is the hardest thing in the world to do. Just to sit and wait. I feel like an impatient child sometimes saying are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? All the while the Lord in His goodness and mercy keeps saying not yet child. Not yet. We will be there soon. Why don't you just sit back and relax and when we get there I will let you know O.K.? We can always be confident in knowing that He is definitely working on our requests and petitions. He is doing what needs to be done and in the order that it needs to be done in. There are so many things that we will never understand this side of Heaven; but, He knows and He will do what is best for us. The Word says Call on the Lord and He will answer and show you great and mighty things that you know not, sometimes I sign off my facebook account with that almost every night. I think that people need to realize that God is listening and waiting for us to call out to Him. He loves us and He wants to do good things for us. To shower us with favor and blessings; but, along with the goodness, comes many lessons that sometimes are hard to learn and to accept. But, He is definitely working all things out for our good and for His glory. Thank you God that you are working on my requests.

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