Monday, February 16, 2015


We say that we believe the Word of God,and that God cannot lie,and that we know that His promises are true;but, at the first sign of trouble it seems all of our good intentioned thinking towards the Lord goes right out the window. It's as if we are saying well Lord, I know that you took those stripes on your back for my healing;but, I am sick! 
Well Lord, I know that you said you would never leave me nor forsake me;but, I'm lonely!  I know Lord that you can save from the guttermost to the uttermost; but, he is a drug-addict!
Folks either we believe what the Word of God says or we don't. We need to get that tenacious spirit like Shadrach, Meschach ,and Abednego when they said we know that our Lord is going to save us;but, even if He doesn't we are still not going to bow down to that false image! They had the kind of faith that was unwavering. It was constant,and true. They knew that the Lord would deliver them from that furnace,and then they even went further,and said and even if He doesn't we will still serve Him anyway!
We need some faith,and determination like ole Job,when He said the Lord giveth,and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord!  He also said though He slay me, yet, will I serve Him! Even when his own wife tried to tell him to curse God and die, he told her she was talking like a foolish woman! Listen sometimes to hang on to the promises of God you have to set your own family down, when they speak out against what you know to be true. Even though Job didn't have the full revelation as we do now about our positive confession, he still knew that even if God was the one that for some reason was doing the things to him, he still wanted to serve, have faith in him and follow after Him. Now that is FAITH!
This is the kind of faith that we need to have. Faith like Abraham had when he took his beloved son Isaac to put him on the altar,and offer him up to the Lord at his command. Abraham knew that God was going to do something;because He already knew that God had told him that He would give him a child in his old age,and He did. He told him that He would make many generations of his seed. He also knew that even if the child died, that God had the power to raise him back up again. So, he trusted God,and went on doing what the Lord had told him to do,and of course we know the rest of the story how the Lord provided a ram that was caught in the thicket. I love the part of the story where Abraham turns to his servant as he and Isaac ascend the mountain and he says the boy and I go to worship and we will return again unto you. See!? Abraham knew by faith that God was not going to kill that boy! He knew that God was going to provide a way out of that situation, we read that wonderful story in Genesis 22 Now, that is faith. The Word of God tells us that without faith we can never please God. Let's take Him at His Word today, let's step out on a faith limb,and prove Him true. He cannot lie, He is all truth, He is love and He loves and cares for us.
Do you believe in God? Do you believe that His promises are true? Then show it, step out in faith and do the things that He has told you to do and then you will see the manifest power of God in your life!
We have been studying in the book of Hebrews, which as you know, is considered the hall of faith. This book mentions all of those that have gone on before us and their tenacious faith. To hang on to what God said at all cost and follow after Him. From Abel, to the father of our faith, Abraham, we see first of all as the scripture says in Hebrews 11:6 that without faith it is impossible to please God, When you come to God you have to believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. Hebrews 10:1 says: Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Because we understand that we walk by faith not by sight. Faith isn’t seeing, faith is believing until you do see that thing that you are believing for. Believe in Him today and believe in what He says. If His word says you are healed by the stripes of Jesus, then you are healed,1 Peter 2:24 Just because you don’t see it manifested in your life right now, just remember faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. So, you realize that He can’t lie and His word is true and just keep believing and speaking it out and it will surely manifest to where you can see whatever you are believing for. The Word clearly tells us that when we pray we are to believe that we receive that which we are praying for, Mark 11:24 See, that’s putting feet on those prayers. I thank you Lord that you are hearing and answering my prayers and I thank you Lord that I will receive what I am praying for. The Word works if you work it. Be encouraged today, if you have been praying and believing for a long time, as I have, just have faith, hang on to what and whom you believe in. Your prayers will be answered, in Jesus name.

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