Friday, February 20, 2015


In my Bible reading this morning, I was reading Revelation 1 & 2, and when I read I go back and forth between different translations and try to get a really good understanding of what the Word is saying.
Today I was looking back and forth at the different translations and I took a look at the Message paraphrase and came across this:
  29 “Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches.” and it gripped me. We are waiting on a huge clamor from the Lord in these last days, we are expecting some grand awakening and He is like a soft wind blowing through the churches, speaking His wind words, you can see what He is doing, but, you can't see Him. I thought yes Lord, blow through our churches blow on us, fill us to the overflowing with your precious Holy Spirit. We are listening, speak to us. Tell us what you would have us to do in these last days. Sometimes when we see all the evil that is going on in our world, we think that nothing that we could do at this point would make any significant change or difference but, that is just not true.

We can make a HUGE impact on that 1 person. That 1 lost soul that is looking, seeking desperately for HELP! That 1 soul that is lost and doesn't know how to be found. We may never preach to the millions or travel the world abroad and do as Reinhard Bunke or some of the other world renown ministers but, we can minister to that lady in the Walmart that is struggling to pay her bills, or that man at the gas station that feels beat down because he just lost his job and doesn't know what he is going to do to feed and provide for his family. To that teenager that is addicted to drugs and can't believe that there is a way out. We forget that Jesus went after the 1, that 1 lost sheep. He left the 99 and went looking for the 1 and that is what we are to do, listen to the wind words of the Holy Spirit that is saying seek the 1. Seek the 1 that will hear my voice and will come in child-like repentance to me. Seek the 1 that feels all alone and is scared. Show them the love of God. Show them that there is a way, that way is Jesus Christ, the 1 that died for our sins, that we might have life and have it more abundantly. 

Let me encourage you today. You can be the 1 that reaches 1. Listen to the wind words that is blowing through the churches. I am coming soon, reach them while you can. Work while it is day, for the night comes when no man can work. One day the lion will lie down with the lamb and there will be peace. Until then we will go out into the highways and the hedges and compel them to come in. Compel them to seek the Lord while He may be found. This thing is wrapping up folks and we don't have much time. Let's amend the time and use every minute of every day to it's fullest. On your job, be a shining light for Him, directing others to the ONE that can save, heal and deliver. In your family be that salt that makes others thirsty for God. In your community be that light on a hill that points people to the cross of Jesus. Be the 1 that hears the wind words and obeys................

   “Are your ears awake? Listen. Listen to the Wind Words, the Spirit blowing through the churches.”


  1. I have never thought of it that way and Thank you for sharing

    1. Thank you Debora for taking the time to read this. When we read His word, He will speak to us, and He truly spoke to me on this one.
