Monday, February 9, 2015 are pro choice? Well......choose this!

Yes, I am pro choice in the respect that I choose Jesus.

I choose to believe that the word of God is true,and that in the Word it clearly tells us that the Lord hates the hands of those that shed innocent blood.

I choose to believe that just like the blood of innocent Abel cried out from the ground unto our great God, so does the blood of all the multiplied millions of babies that are aborted (murdered) in this country every year!

I choose to believe that God in His wisdom knows all things.

I choose to serve Him,no matter what others may say about me.

I choose to stand up for what is right, even if I have to,at times,stand alone.

I choose to believe that life begins when God,the infallible one says it begins,not when man,the fallible does.

I choose to continue to pray for those that continue to murder the innocent,and call it a choice.

I choose to believe that no matter how a child is conceived,a child is still a child.

I choose to stand up for the unborn,that by the way,have no choice.

So....if you ask me am I pro choice,then according to the guidelines of what I have just outlined. Yes, I believe I am.

If people would just start calling things what they really are,and stop sugar coating the poison that is being forced down the throats of the American people things would change.

So...having said this lets start referring to the options as this.   Pro-life     or   ...........   Pro-DEATH

Now......there...that makes more sense doesn't it?   or if you really want to just get down to the brass tacks of it all.

Pro-Life..........or Pro-MURDER!

God help us to get a revelation that abortion is murder plain and simple. He will avenge the lives of these innocent ones. All these abortion doctors are doing is populating Heaven. No innocent lives are lost forever. Just because they were ripped from the womb that should have been a nurturing place for them does not mean that they are not in the presence of God right now. I choose to believe that!

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