Friday, April 3, 2015

Why is it good?

Many years ago a young Turkish man asked me, "If your God died on Friday, then why is it called Good Friday?" I looked at another Christian co-worker that heard the question and I smiled and said, "I am so glad that you asked me that question." You see when Jesus died on the cross, He brought about salvation through His precious blood. He was the perfect sacrifice for our sins. He was the only one that could do that and He willingly gave His life so that we could be saved, so now we don't have to go to hell and suffer eternal damnation, we can ask God to forgive us of our sins, and accept the sacrifice that Jesus made for us and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead and when we confess Him as Lord then we are saved." Don't you think that is good news? He said, "Yes, it is." Why is it that I have never heard this before?" I said "Dear friend, I do not know why, but, I am glad that you heard it from me." Well...this is why we call this day "Good Friday" because for us it was very very good. Then I expounded to him about how Jesus rose again on the third day and how He is seated with the Father in Heavenly places on His right hand and his eyes were so BIG! He had never heard the story of redemption, he had never heard that Jesus would save him from his sins. I can't say that he fell down and repented that day and became a Christian, but, what I can say is that God allowed me to plant a seed that day and I know what His word says, that it will not return unto Him void. It will do what it is set forth to do and believe me it was set forth to save that young man. I am still believing to this day that seed will spring forth into salvation. Today all across the world we celebrate Good Friday. We talk about how Jesus died for our sins on a cruel cross between 2 thieves, was buried in a borrowed tomb and rose again victorious over death, hell and the grave on the third day. But, are we sharing this Good Friday good news? Are we sharing Jesus with others every where we go? Are we concerned about the souls of men, women and children all the time? Not just on good Friday? Let's be about the Fathers business all of the time. It isn't His will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. He has chosen us to spread the gospel. To tell folks about Him, by any means necessary. Through social media, through phone calls, texts, visits any way possible. Get the word out Jesus is our Redeemer!!! It may be Friday but Sunday is coming and He will be crowned King of Kings and Lord of Lords to the glory of God the Father!

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