Monday, April 6, 2015

Are we thinking and saying the right things?

The last couple of weeks have been like a roller coaster. I was attending a Revival on Monday of last week and received a direct word from God through a man of God that I greatly respect. I received that word with gladness and faith. The next night, I attended the same Revival and the Spirit of God was on me so strong I could barely stand upright, I was asked to preach for the following night, I received that invitation with gladness, and went to preach. All went well. The Lord spoke through me what He wanted said and I felt blessed to be allowed to deliver that message. By the time I got home that night my body was under attack with what I later found out was bronchitis. Anyways I came home from the Revival, feeling rough in body but wonderful in the spirit. Shared the experience with a friend and did a little reading, prayed and went to bed. By the next morning, I was really feeling rough but, I refused to accept sickness. I was decreeing and declaring and rebuking and claiming healing and wholeness the whole entire time. So, I pressed on and went back to the Revival that night.

 When I got home from the Revival, I felt like I had been beaten and kicked and yes I do know how that feels so it really felt that way. I began to pray and ask the Lord what do you want me to do? I am refusing to receive sickness and disease, I am decreeing and declaring and believing and doing what I know to do in the natural as well. What do you want me to do? He instructed me to gargle with hot salty water, drink hot water with lemon, and go to bed and rise up in the morning and be healed. I said ok and did exactly as I was instructed to do. That night was one of the worst nights, I had fever, chills, such a terribly sore throat, coughing, body aches, it was just a very bad night. So, as I am laying in my bed, I am talking to the Lord and thanking Him for saving me, for loving me, when I didn't even love myself and as always when I begin to say these things to Him, I began to weep. In that moment I rose up out of the bed and said to my enemy, "Satan, I submit myself to God and I resist you and according to the Word now you must flee!" I did feel him leave but the sickness was still with me. I had texted one of my sweet friends that is like a daughter to me for her to pray. She said I am praying for your body to be healed and for your mind to be clear. The instant that I read those words, I said that's it.

 I need clarity in my mind to be able to see what is really going on here. So, I began to ask the Lord to speak to me, to reveal to me what needed to be revealed and of course He did as I asked Him to do. He said, "Remember I told you the enemy is an illustionist, he does not have creative power like you do." "He shows you something and then you become fearful or confused and then when you begin to speak it out or believe it in your heart, it begins to manifest itself." "Don't listen to him, don't look at his tricks." "He is already defeated." I said ok Lord I do remember and in my minds eye I could clearly see and hear when He had spoken this to me last year when I was under such a terrible attack with my health. The Lord told me to watch my words, they have creative power. This isn't real, it is just an illusion, don't speak it into existence. Now there are people who don't believe that kind of talk but, I tell you right now I have lived it and I know it to be factual. The moment that I prayed for clarity in my mind, the symptoms began to slowly clear up. What we say is of utmost importance but, it has to be coupled with what we are thinking as well. We can't think one thing and say another, the enemy is a legalist and he will get you on that one every time. The Word says as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. So we must think the right things and say the right things at the same time. If we are doubtful we can pray and say Lord I believe help my unbelief.

When I woke up the next day, I felt horrible. I thought I don't get it, the Lord said drink this, gargle with that and go to bed and rise and be healed. So, I am talking to Him again and I say Lord what am I doing wrong in this scenario? Am I missing something? Then He spoke to me in a very clear and concise way and said that I had been pressing through to another level. Then the verse came to mind from faith to faith, and from glory to glory. I laughed and said are you kidding me? So this was a birthing into another level of faith so, he was trying to hit me with sickness to keep me from reaching the next level?  How funny is this? When I started laughing, I began to feel so so much better. Laughter is good medicine of course, as the word says. I just layed there in the bed for quite some time talking to the Lord and listening as well. He shared with me that change was definitely coming and although that sounded exciting to me at first, it also had an odd feel and sound to it at the same time. He then reminded me to hold fast to my confession. Which was when I told Him that I would go where He told me to go and I would do what He told me to do and I would say what He told me to say. So, here I am saying what He said to say and although some people that read this may think I am nuts or not believe one word of it, that isn't what matters, He said to say it and so I am saying it. It is not your job to receive the message but to deliver it, He told me. So, deliver it I will.

After all of this new information that He shared with me, I felt drained, tired and sleepy so, I went back to sleep and dreamed some really odd dreams and got up and ate something which I hadn't done in quite some time and drank some water and thanked God that I felt so much better. That was on Friday morning. All day that day I felt so much better and I was all happy and joyful and looking forward to going to Revival that night. Then bam it all hit me again! I went back to bed, I was like what in the world is going on? But, this time, I said Lord your word says that you will keep me in perfect peace if my mind is stayed on you and I know what your word says and this is not going to happen to me again, in the name of Jesus I rebuke this sickness that is trying to come on me and I do not receive it!! I am well and whole in Jesus name!! I didn't go to Revival that night and slept all day long. Had one dream after another and was still tired and sleepy the next day. On Saturday I got up, felt better actually went out with a friend and was so happy to be able to get out and see and feel the sunshine on my face. I can't express how truly grateful I was to be well in that moment. Felt great all day and was looking forward to church the next morning, but, once again here comes the sickness that night and the next morning. I just kept the faith, fought the good fight and kept my confession the same, and that night I came out of the valley of sickness and have been fine every since. I don't know all the answers and I won't pretend that I do but, I do know that He has got me in the palm of His hand and He loves me with an everlasting love and I trust Him. No matter what happens, I trust Him completely.

I learned so many things during that week in the valley and I am grateful for that. After all of that mess passed, I began to make plans to go get my mother and make a trip to visit my sister and her husband and visit with my peeps in Blytheville. My friend came to get me and we went to get my mother, we got all loaded up and headed out. When we got to my sisters house, I felt an eerie feeling come over me and I didn't know why. I shook it off and pressed on. I knocked on the door and my sister came to the door and immediately I could clearly see and hear that something was terribly wrong with my dear sister. She was saying some pretty weird things and acting even weirder. I thought oh my Lord, please help me to help her. You see, my sister has been diagnosed with alzheimers. She sounded fine on the phone, and I knew that she had been diagnosed but, that was just a short time ago and I never expected this evil thing to progress so quickly. I began immediately to listen to her "story" as she calls it and to help her to straighten the house and to visit with her and my mother. As I sat there and listened to her nonsensical ramblings I was praying in the spirit and I wanted to break out in tears and scream and holler and yell at the enemy that comes to steal, kill and destroy but, i kept my cool and just listened.

When I did get a moment to go outside in the backyard with my lil' Angel Baby I spoke to the enemy and bound up his works and released healing and wholeness and wellness in Jesus name. I talked with the Lord and thanked Him for all that He had done for me and for my family. I thanked Him for going to the whipping post for our healing and for going to the cross for our redemption and I thanked Him for rising again that we might have life and have it more abundantly! I cried and I laughed and then I straightened myself up and I steeled my backbone, called my doggie and went back inside with a smile on my face, a song on my lips and peace in my heart knowing that He is in complete control.

 My sister is one of the most wonderful,giving, talented, sweet people that I have ever known and to see her like this, is almost too much. I can't say that I understand why bad things happen to good people but, I can say that our words have power and our thoughts have power and for years she has said to me over and over and over again, I am so afraid that I am going to get alzheimers and not know what I am doing! I would say please don't say that! Your words have power! Don't even think that. You don't live under the curse, you live under the blessing. You are a child of God and that is not going to happen to you! She would laugh at me and say ok you are right I shouldn't say that. But, she continued to say it over and over again and I would stop her every time I heard her say it. Our bodies are controlled by our minds and when we continually think and say bad things about ourselves and others, it forms a pattern and then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. I am hopeful that with prayer, good nutrition, vitamins and minerals and good doctors helping her, she will overcome this mess!

God is well able and He is willing to heal us! Things don't always happen the way that we think that they should and we get discouraged, fearful or doubtful and we say and think the wrong things but, by reading and meditating on the Word and saying it out of our own mouths, we will be made overcomers to the glory of God! God has not given us a spirit of fear but, of power and love and a sound mind. I am going to do everything in my power in the spirit and in the natural to help my sister as will her children. I am believing for total healing and wholeness in Jesus name! and she will be a sign and a wonder in this earth for the glory of God!!

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