Monday, April 27, 2015

He Is Faithful Even When We Are Not

He Is Faithful Even When We Are Not

I am just overwhelmed today with the presence of God. I have been basking for over an hour now. Glory to God. He is so good to us. He could just save us and then say ok your on your own now, get to stepping. But, He is with us, working in us and through us. He never leaves us or forsakes us. He is always present. Have you ever had friends that tucked tail and ran when problems or trouble came into your life? I sure have. They took off when the party girl was no longer able to keep everyone laughing and happy. When sickness, disease, trouble, came into my life and tried to swallow me up, they all ran like rats trying to escape a sinking ship but, He was always there. Even in my backsliden condition, He was calling to me, come home, come home, I love you, I forgive you, I will heal you. Let me tell you something right now, I praise Him and worship Him because He pulled me out of a pit!!!!!! not just one time no no, many times. He never gave up on me! Everyone else had given up and I had given up, but, God had never given up on me. The Word says that He is married to the backslider and I know that to be true cause He sure stayed married to me, even when I wasn't faithful to Him, He was still faithful to me. There are so many times in my life that I should have been dead, but I'm still here. I'm still standing. He knows the end from the beginning glory to God and He saw today!

He wasn't up there on His throne counting my sins, He was seated there with Jesus on His right hand making intercession for me. Yes that's right, Jesus the son of the Most High God was making intercession for me. Before Peter, the disciple of Jesus denied Him, they were all gathered together to celebrate passover, Jesus had told them that one of them would betray Him, speaking of Judas and Peter,Petros(Rock) said I will never forsake you Lord, Jesus said to him Satan desires to sift you as wheat but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail, and you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers. Jesus knew that Simon Peter was going to fail, He knew and still loved Peter,because He knew that Peter would come back and once filled with the Holy Ghost of God would be one of the most dynamic and powerful preachers that this world has ever seen. God does sit High on His throne and He does look down low on us, but it is not in condemnation. It is not His will that any of us should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

He wants us to be friends with Him. To talk to Him, to seek out His counsel for His leadership and guidance in our lives. Every day, not just on Sunday. Every single day, in every decision, He is in the middle of it all. He made us, He loves us an He desires to shower us with blessing and favor. Have you walked away from the Lord? Is He calling you back? Come back to Him. Don't let the enemy tell you that God won't forgive you, or that you have come to far. Satan will try to use the word of God on you to twist it to make you think that you can't be saved but he is a liar and has been since the beginning. I tell you the truth God will forgive you!! I know because the word says so and because He surely has forgiven me! He did not leave me in the pit, He pulled me out! forgave me, cleaned me up, filled me with the Holy Ghost and has now allowed me to help share what He has done for me with others. To help pull them out of a pit. He will use it all for your good and for His glory.

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