Monday, April 20, 2015

He Is Faithful

Listening to Faithful, faithful, faithful is our God. I love this song. He is faithful. When everyone else walks out on us, God is right there. Holding us up, encouraging us, loving us, never leaving or forsaking us. He is the only true constant in our lives. People come, people go. Jobs, circumstances, environments, all of those things change but, God never changes. His Word clearly tells us He is God and He changes not. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Who in this world can you say that about? Let me tell you I have been through some things, what about you? and when I was going through, I tell you some of the time the only somebody that was there with me and for me was my God. That's it! Everyone else walked out. See when the going gets tough, and it gets ugly and there really isn't anything in it for some folks, they will just walk away but, I serve a God that is FAITHFUL!

 Oh yes, He is FAITHFUL! He loves us with an everlasting, never ending, never changing love and He will never ever walk out on us. Oh trust me, if He was going to walk out on someone, it would have been me back in the day when I was acting like I was completely crazy! and I guess at the time I really was crazy! But, He came after me, He called out to me, He came straight over to that pit that I had fallen into and He called me by my name and I answered Him and He reached down into that pit and He pulled me out!!! Oh praise His name! He pulled me out! Where was everyone else? Nowhere to be found but, God the Creator of the universe, the Lover of my soul, was right there with me. Rescuing me, pulling me out, cleaning me up, giving me a purpose and sharing His plan with me. Encouraging me, and most importantly of all showing me that I was forgiven!

What a loving and compassionate and mighty God we serve!  I will never ever forget what He has done for me! Oh I might get a little loud during praise and worship and I might act a little funny in people's eyes sometimes. Glory to God! But, I don't care, He has brought me a long, long way and I will forever be grateful and thankful to Him for that. Noone knows but Jesus how much He rescued me from. Some things you just can't talk about. I am just now beginning to share with other women parts of my story. For so many years I was so broken and wounded I couldn't even think about my story,let along tell it to anyone but, it is time now. He has healed my wounded soul and spirit and restored my once broken and shattered mind. He has given me a purpose and a plan and He is now using everything that i have been through and been delivered from and out of to help other women. Oh praise His name. That is why my life's verse is Romans 8:28 For we know that all things work together for good for those that love God and are the called according to His purpose. He is so faithful. There are not enough words in any language for me to express how much I love Him and how faithful He has been to me.

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