Sunday, April 19, 2015

It's Not About The Wine

In John Chapter 2 we read about Jesus first miracle of His ministry. Turning water into wine at the marriage feast of Cana. Everyone wants to argue and discuss the fact of was it really wine? or was it grape juice? and a plethera of other such babble. The point really shouldn't be was it wine or grape juice or any of the other many religious arguments. The points to be made truly are these: 1. Like His mother Mary said, "Whatever He tells you to do, just do it." and 2. He worked His first miracle through his disciples. We can learn so so much through just these 2 points. If we will just do what He tells us to do He can and will work miracles through us to serve the people. Had they not done what He said, the miracle would not have come forth as it did. Also, He could have made a huge display of His power by having the disciples bring the pots of water in unto the crowd and letting it be known that the wine was all gone and then waved His hand over the pots and turned the water into wine that way but, rather He chose to honor the disciples for their quick action and obedience. Obedience is better than sacrifice the word tells us, after all.

When I look at this story, I am amazed at the fact that Jesus, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, The only begotten of the Father chose to work through people and still does. When I get to do something that He tells me to do, I am thrilled. Now, I will admit there are times when He tells me to say something to someone that I really don't want to say for concern over their reaction, but, I still do it and then I feel so glad and happy that I obeyed His word.

When we learn to do what He says to do, we will not only be blessed but, others will be blessed as well. Today I am still learning to fine tune my spirit ears to hear clearly what He is saying and to do what He then says to do. When Jesus performed this very first miracle, He was, in my opinion, showing the future of His ministry, that He would work through His people. I am so grateful to serve a God that not only loves me but allows me to partner with Him in this great work that He has called us to do. Sharing the gospel with everyone that we meet.

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