Tuesday, April 14, 2015

On The Right Road

Have you ever been in the car with someone that didn't have a clue where they were going? You know you start out somewhere and you assume that they know how to get there and in a little while you realize that they don't know which way to go. So, you try to tell them and they don't want to receive any instruction whatsoever. They want to do what they want to do, so, you get more turned around and lost and use up more gas and then finally they say, well...I guess I'm lost. Well praise God that you finally realized that! Now, we can get somewhere! So, you begin to tell them go back here and turn left and get back on that other road, and go straight, it's up here on the right about 6 blocks. You know what? Isn't this just the way it is sometimes in life? We think we have it all together and we know exactly what to do and how to do it and we don't think we need anything or anybody. We are going to get there on our own and it's only when we realize that without God's help we aren't going anywhere.

In the gospel of John, we see that Jesus is referred to as "The Way" "The Truth" and "The Life" The as in only. The gospel of John is an awesome book in the word of God to read to see just who Jesus was and is and to get a revelation of what His purpose and plan was in this earth realm. I am amazed at what can happen in a persons life once they realize first that they are lost, in need of salvation, hence a Savior and then once they believe on Jesus and His finished work on the cross and confess it with their mouth, their life truly begins. They are no longer wandering around lost looking for their destination. They are now on the right path, going to the right place. Oh praise God, I love to talk to folks about Jesus and to share with them what He has done for me in my life and to let them know that He will save you, heal you, deliver you no matter how lost you are, no matter what you have done, no matter how far away from Him you have wandered. He is right there waiting with open arms for you to come to Him. He will not force us to obey Him, He will not force us to serve Him. We have to decide on our own that He is the Way, Truth and the Life and that we want a relationship with Him.

I wake up every morning thanking Him for His goodness and His mercy and His grace. I say thank you Lord for coming after me. For being so patient and kind and loving with me. For forgiving me, when I absolutely could not forgive myself and for loving me with an everlasting love, when I felt so unlovely. He is so good. I cannot begin to describe how good He is and how much He loves us. I was thinking about the book of Hosea the other day and how that book describes how Hosea's wife was a prostitute and how she had run away from him and gone back to her old lifestyle and how he went to the marketplace and bought her back. She had become a slave and he went and purchased her back, he redeemed her. Hosea of course, is a picture of our Lord Jesus Christ. That redeemed us from our sins. I thought wow, Hosea really loved Gomer with a love that is inexplicable. He loves her past her faults, her dirtiness, her sins, her transgressions. He just loved her and refused to let her go. That is just exactly what God has done for all of us. He came to redeem us, it is up to us whether we choose to be redeemed or not. We must make that choice to receive His sacrifice on the cross and accept Him as Lord and Savior. He loves us so much, that He went to that cross, and suffered and died and rose again on the third day so that we could be redeemed!! What a loving compassionate Savior we have!

If you feel unloved or unappreciated today and you feel all alone, just reach out to the One that loves you with an everlasting love. The one that gave Himself for your redemption. That is the greatest love of all. Let Him show you today that He is the Way.

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