Monday, April 13, 2015

Your Scars Tell A Story

Oftentimes we try to hide our scars whether they are physical or emotional because we are ashamed of what others will think of us. We really don't want to share with others all of the bad things that we have been through that caused all of those deep scars. We are afraid that if we show who we really are or who we have become because of those scars that everyone will abandon us and we will be all alone. I personally have been hiding emotional scars my entire life. Oh, there are a few people that have been let into the scar exhibit but, very few because they are deep and I don't want to scare, offend or upset anyone. But, God has called me to those that bear scars, those that are wounded and crushed. So, I have to bear my scars to them, to let them see that I truly do understand, and that God can and will heal if you let Him. Scars tell a story, they tell of past hurts, disappointments, and abuse. They show that although you may have been through something that was intended by the enemy of your soul to take you out, to finish you, and destroy you, YOU ARE STILL STANDING!

I am still amazed how God can take a person that feel less than a worm, and over time turn them into a beautiful butterfly. How He comes in and loves and comforts and applies the healing oil of His Holy
Spirit to our deepest wounds that only He can see. Glory to God! He loves us, He loves us, He loves us. He collects our tears in a bottle and writes them down in His book of remembrance. So, they are not in vain, they tell a story. Jesus has scars and they also tell a story. The scars from the nails that were in His hands and feet, from when they nailed Him on that cross to bear our sins, and our shame. He has a scar in His side from where the Roman soldier pierced Him with a spear, scars in His brow where the Roman soldiers pushed that crown of thorns deep into His flesh oh yes, Jesus has scars. The Word says, He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him and by His stripes we were healed. He loves us! He took those nails for us. They tell a story of a Savior that left the portals of Heaven in all of its splendor and majesty to come to earth through the womb of a virgin girl to be born into this world to become our Redeemer, our Savior, our Lord, our Healer, our Deliverer, our Defender, our Protector, our Provider. What a mighty compassionate loving Lord we have.

He isn't looking at us and thinking what a despicable, wretched wreck of a sin drenched person. No, He looks on us with compassion. He is our Great High Priest, that sits at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for us that are still here trapped in this earth realm. The Word says in Hebrews 4:15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--yet He did not sin. When Jesus was still here on earth in a physical form, He looked on the sick, feeble, poor, blind and He healed them because He had compassion on them, in Matthew's gospel 14:14 the Word tells us that when Jesus saw the multitude, He was moved with compassion toward them and He healed their sick. He is full of mercy and grace and love. He understands every single thing that you have gone through. He will come and pull you out of a pit. It doesn't matter what you have done, He will pull you out of that pit, He will forgive your sins, He will deliver you from your addictions, He will heal you from your deepest wounds and He will give you a purpose and reveal to you His plan for your life. He is a wonderful Savior.

Today, if you are in a pit and you don't know how to get out. Just cry out to Him, He will hear you and He will rescue you, deliver you, heal you, He loves you with an everlasting love and He wants to take care of you. I know that without Him I would no be able to do anything,but, with Him I can do all things through Christ that gives me strength, Philippians 4:13, He is the one that has repaired me, mended me, restored me, healed me,delivered me, saved me, and given me a drive and a purpose to share His love with those that He sends to me. Don't be ashamed of your scars today. Those scars can one day be the conversation starter that leads another wounded one to Christ. All things work together for good for them that love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose, Romans 8:28  ALL THINGS The cutting scars, the burn scars, the scars from molestation, rape, physical and mental abuse, the scars from abortion, miscarriage, spousal abuse. All of those things can now be turned around and used for your good and for His glory. I am still amazed at how He takes all of those shameful things that have happened and now uses them to help pull someone else out of a pit of despair. Whether you are in a pit, a cave or in a dark valley today, God will deliver you. Call on Him and He will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you know not, Jeremiah 33:3

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