Thursday, April 16, 2015

Wise Fishermen

I was reading in Proverbs this morning and came across this well known verse, Proverbs 11:30, The fruit of the uncompromisingly righteous is a tree of life, and he who is wise captures human lives [for God, as a fisher of men--he gathers and receives them for eternity]Amplified Bible.  I thought to myself I definitely desire to be wise and to win souls to Christ. That is my passion in life. By any means necessary. Saving, rescuing people from the pit of despair. There are hurting people everywhere you go. When I go shopping, there I find hurting people that need a touch from God, they might need encouragement or prayer. He always points me in the direction of the one that is in need. I never cease to be amazed at how He does this. I was in T.J. Maxx one day and the Lord directed me to 2 different people to pray for their health. They were so happy and receptive to prayer.

People are hurting. They want someone to see their hurt, they want someone to help them, to rescue them. They just need relief. I have been able to lead people to Christ, to lead people back to Christ, to pray for deliverance for people, to pray for healing, for peace, for whatever they needed at the time. He wants to meet people at the point of their need. He wants to save, heal and deliver them. He chooses us to reach them. He chooses the foolishness of preaching to confound the wise, the word says. I never cease to be amazed at how He will use us to reach that person. One time I was in a gas station, waiting to pay for my gas, I looked up on the counter and there was a cross for sale. I felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit say buy that cross and I will show you who to give it to, so, I did. That cross traveled in my vehicle with me for several weeks, then one day while I was at the county jail to visit my wayward son, I saw an elderly lady sitting there on the bench waiting to get to visit with her loved one and the Lord said she is the one, give it to her. So, I gave my keys to my daughter in law and said here go to the car and get that box in the back seat. She nodded and she ran and got it and brought it back. I took the box from her and I turned to the elderly lady and I said maam, I don't know why but the Lord said to give this to you. She opened the box and saw the cross and began to jump up and down and to shout and laugh and cry and her family gathered around and was doing the same,and I didn't know what in the world was going on and then she said honey, I asked the Lord to give me a sign that everything with my grandson was going to be alright and He has done just that!! Oh then we all began to praise God and to thank Him for His goodness, to thank Him that He cares about every single detail of our lives.

Her, her family and I all gathered together held hands in a circle, yes in the jailhouse and began to pray and the power of God was in that place!! The 2 of us became friends and we started writing to each other. Her grandson was in jail, falsely accused by the way and my son was in there. After she had been seeking the Lord and we prayed together and continued to do so. The accuser came to the courthouse and confessed that she had lied on this young man and of course he was released. That praying grandma prayed, believed and received and He allowed me to be a part of His plan. Would He have helped her without me? Well...of course, but, I was honored and privileged to get to be a part of that wonderful time.

You see...people are everywhere at every stage and level of need. Some are Christians like Mrs. R and some are backsliden and need to be led back to Christ, some are atheists that need to see the power of God and to realize that He is real. Some are addicted to drugs, alcohol, sex whatever and need deliverance. God will send us people from all walks of life and it is up to us to be prayed up, fasted up, fessed up and ready to get the job done. He that wins souls is wise, the word says and I want to be wise. This soul winning stuff can be heavy sometimes but it is a wonderful awesome thing when you get to win that soul, to bring that person out of that horrible pit of sin and watch them become who God wants them to be. To watch them become fishers of men as well. What a mighty God we serve!

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