Good Sunday morning. God's help is only a prayer away. When we are in
desperate need, prayer springs naturally from our lips and from the
deepest level of our hearts. When we are frightened out of our wits,
when we're pushed beyond our limits, when we're pulled out of our
comfort zones, when our well-being is challenged and endangered, we
reflectively and involuntarily resort to prayer. "O God, Help us!" is
our natural cry. The language of prayer is forged in the time of
trouble. When we cannot help ourselves and call for help, when we don't
like where we are and want out, when we don't like who we are and want
to change we use a primal language and this language becomes the root
language of prayer.
Prayer begins in trouble, and it continues because
at some level we are always in trouble. It requires no special
preparations, no precise vocabulary. Prayer springs from within us in
the face of necessity and in time becomes our habitual response to every
issue both good and bad we face in this life. Since seeing the movie
"War Room", I have changed my way of praying and getting down to
business with God. I feel by changing my prayer life that my faith has
increased and I feel closer to God. What a privilege it is to carry
everything to God in prayer.
At this time I would like to thank everyone
for their prayers for my mother and our family this past week. Mother
is doing great has a long road of recovery ahead of her but with God's
help she will do great.
( By prayer and supplication and with
thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of
God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds
through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 ). Have a blessed day.
~Trina Cole~