Friday, October 9, 2015

Showing The Love And Compassion Of Jesus

TGIF!!! God will either spare you from suffering or give you the grace to bear it. Several acquaintances of mine have lost loved ones this week. Though we may face pain, sorrow and suffering, we don't have to sink into self-pity.

The same God who allows our suffering also showers us with His compassion and love. Christians have learned that they can use the trials they've been through to reach out to others going through similar difficulties. We are comforted by a Savior who knows our suffering, and we honour Him when we pass His comfort on to others. May we never leave someone to suffer alone. If we know the trail another is on, God will help us to guide that person to His presence, the surest comfort of all.

 ( As you are partakers of the sufferings, so also you will partake of the consolation. 2 Corinthians 1:7 ). Have a blessed day.
~Trina Cole~
~Writer-New Life Women~

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