Monday, October 5, 2015

Don't Miss It!

Good Monday morning. Lord, open our eyes that we may see. If there was a magnificent sunrise this morning, would I be too busy to enjoy it? Would I be preoccupied with other things and loose out on the moment? In the midst of the busyness and stresses of our days there are patches of beauty all around us, glimpses of God's goodness that we catch here and there along the way.

These are the places in the walls of the universe where heaven is breaking through if only we will take the time to stop and reflect upon God's love for us.

 What if Moses had ignored the burning bush? He would have missed an epic life changing encounter with God. Sometimes in life we must hurry. But overall, life should be less hurrying and more noticing. Life is present. Life is being aware; it is seeing God's love breaking through. It is turning aside to the miracle of something like a sunrise. Something transitory, yet symbolic of the eternity that awaits us.

 ( Then Moses said, "I will now turn aside and see this great sight." Exodus 3:3 ).

 Have a great day. ~ Trina Cole~
~Writer- New Life Women~

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