Saturday, September 26, 2015

He Is Coming Soon

Good Saturday morning. Live as if Christ is coming back today. A "COMING SOON" announcement often precedes future events in entertainment and sports, or the launch of the latest technology.

The goal is to create anticipation and excitement for what is going to happen, even though it may be months or years away. While reading the book of Revelation, I was impressed with the coming soon sense of immediacy permeating the entire book. Rather than saying, "Someday, in the far distant future, Jesus Christ is going to return to earth," it says phrases like, " things which must shortly take place" and " the time is near" and in the final chapter the Lord says three times , "I am coming quickly." Even though it's been 2000 years since these words were written, "Quickly" doesn't seem appropriate for our experience of time.
 It's quite obvious that our time table and God's time table are not the same. It has been said that with God's timetable a thousand years is as one day withthe Lord. It is written in the Word that no man not even the angels in heaven know the date, time or hour that Jesus will return to earth. So rather than focusing on a date for God's return, the Lord is urging us to set our hearts on His promise that will be fulfilled. We are called to live for Him in this present age looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.

 ( "Surely I am coming quickly." Revelation 22:20). Have a blessed day.
~Trina Cole~

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