Thursday, October 8, 2015

He Paid For All Our Griefs And Sorrows

Good Thursday morning. The Christ who died to give us life will carry us through its heartaches. We live in a fallen world and there is no easy recipe to follow that will ensure a life free of pain, loss, injustice, or suffering. In times of distress, however, people rarely remember what we say. What they most remember is that we were there. Familiar faces offer strength beyond description they provide comfort for the deep feelings of loneliness setting in from the loss.

 In the midst of life's pain, we need the personal care of the Savior who lived in this world and experienced the same struggles we face. In loss of any kind, Jesus always gives His comforting presence, and we have the ability to give deeply of His compassion simply by the gift of our presence. Jesus knows there is no simple recipe to prevent the heartache of life, so He entered into them with us. Will we trust Him with our tears and grief? 

( Surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows:....Isaiah 53:4 ). Have a blessed day
~Trina Cole~

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