Sunday, October 25, 2015

He Loved Us First

Good Sunday morning. God's Word tells us of His love; our words tell Him of our love. In the Song of Solomon the bride describes her lover.

 His love is better than wine and more fragrant than ointments. His name is sweeter than anything in this world. There is Someone far greater than any earthly loved one, Someone whose love is also better than wine. His love satisfies our every need.

 His "fragrance" is better than any perfume because when He gave Himself for us, His sacrifice became a sweet-smelling aroma to God. Finally, His name is above every name. It is a privilege to love Jesus. It is the best experience in life. Do we take the time to tell Him so? Do we express with words the beauty of our Savior?
 If we show His beauty with our lives, others will say, "No wonder you love Him!" 

( We love Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19 ).
 Have a blessed day.
~Trina Cole~
~Writer-New Life Women~ 

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