Friday, June 23, 2017

Those that are well loved

Romans 8: 14-15  14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons[f] of God. 15 For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” 

Oh what a wonderful truth of the word of God to know that we are not just subjects of a king but rather we are sons and daughters of the most High God, we are joint heirs with His son Jesus Christ! Wow! how then can we get depressed or fearful or worried about what tomorrow brings or what people will say or do to us? We are His very own dear children. Oh that makes my day better how about yours? 

Abba means daddy, papa which denotes relationship, love, comfort, and companionship which should make us realize that we are so loved by God that no matter what He loves us with an everlasting love. I heard Beth Moore say once that people that are loved well, love well. Some of us had great fathers and some of us had fathers that were deplorable but no matter whether our earthly fathers were good or bad our Heavenly Father is perfect. He loves us unconditionally and has a great plan for our lives and so knowing this, and experiencing this great love, we should be able to love others like He loves us.

We should be able through the power of Jesus Christ to be able to love others unconditionally. To look beyond their faults and see their needs and without judgement or prejudice show the love of God. So many songs, poems, screenplays, and books have been written about love and all of them put together could not even compare with the great love story that we read in the word of God. How God gave His only begotten son Jesus to be the ultimate sacrifice and die on a cruel cross for our sins. Their is no greater love than this, the word tells us. 

So...knowing this and being so well loved, let us now love others. When the pharisees were trying to trip Jesus up by asking Him what was the greatest commandment, Jesus said to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul and to love your neighbor as yourself. He further stated that all the law and prophets hang on these 2. Sounds pretty simple doesn't it? To love God and to love people? You would think with us being so supremely loved that we in turn would be so joyfully ready to love Him and to love others but it seems like it is the hardest thing ever for us to do. Oh dear Lord please help us to show your love daily not just in thought but in deed and action. Help us to go into the highways and the hedges and compel the lost and undone to come to your table. Help us to love as you love, help us to see like you see and to hear like you hear and to speak only what we hear you say. 

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