Monday, June 26, 2017

Still Blessed

In the Old Testament book of Numbers in chapter 22, we find the story of the Prophet Balaam and how he had been summoned by the king Balak to come and curse the armies of Israel. Balaam knew that was wrong but he inquired of the Lord anyway and the Lord said no! He went on the journey toward the king even though the Lord had said no. In the midst of the journey, his donkey would not go any farther because he could see the angel of the Lord and Balaam could not. See God was trying to stop him in his tracks because what he was trying to do God was not going to allow. He pressed on anyway and even tried to curse them but the Lord put the blessing for Israel in his mouth and he just COULD NOT CURSE WHAT GOD HAD ALREADY BLESSED!! When the Lord says that a person is blessed, then honey guess what? they are blessed and blessed they shall be.

Oh the enemy of our soul might try, mind you, but he won't be able to do it. The word tells us that no weapon formed against us will prosper. So we can just go on about our kingdom business knowing and trusting that God has our back and will not allow any witch, or any evil doing person to put a spell on us, to curse us or to do any wickedness to us. Our footsteps are ordered of the Lord and He has given His angels charge over us as heirs of salvation to be protected. He is causing even our enemies to be at peace with us as, He keeps us in perfect peace because we keep our minds and our hearts on Him and turned toward Him, the Author and the Finisher of our faith. Oh God is so good!!! The enemy will not be allowed, do you hear me? will no be allowed to destroy us!

The word also tells us that the devil goes about roaring like a lion seeking whom he may devour, well he may not!! devour me or you because the Lord just is not going to allow it. So don't speak evil over your situation and curse your own circumstances or situations because our God that sits on the throne is in complete and total control of our very lives and He loves us with an everlasting love as is watching  out for us. He wants to bless us, to help us, to defend us and He will keep on doing it. He isn't slack in His promises towards us! Don't be afraid of what any person can say or do against you! What God has blessed is BLESSED! 

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