Monday, June 26, 2017

Rainy Days And Mondays?

 When I was a teenager in the 70's a song came out, rainy days and Monday's always get me down.Sounds pretty gloomy doesn't it? We as Christians don't have to buy into the mentality of oh man it's Monday, it's going to be a rough day. Why should Monday be any different than any other day? Why should a rainy day be depressing? Life is what you make it and we are framing our worlds with the words that we speak. So, if it's raining put on your pretty rain boots and press on. Monday morning, say this is the beginning of my work week and I am going to get so much accomplished starting today. This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. You will be amazed at how just saying that over yourself will make such a difference in the way that you view your day. God makes every day, there are blessings in store for each day and if some trouble comes, we deal with it through the power of the Holy Spirit and we move on.

Our minds must be renewed daily with the Word of God to keep us from being gloomy and having a oh poor pitiful me attitude. When I was still working as a chef at ASU. I would come in all cheerful and happy and get on with my day. No matter what came, I kept a positive attitude. When someone did or said something that was bad or wrong or if it bothered me, I would either ignore it, or calmly tell them, that i didn't care for that kind of talk. One Monday, I came in singing and doing my little happy dance and everyone around me was just staring at me. When I realized that they were all looking at me, I'm like what? This one guy said, it is Monday, what are you so happy about? I said, I am happy every day, one day is no different from the other to me. He said man, I hate Mondays. I always feel so bad and I just hate coming to work. He was a younger guy and he viewed me as a granny so I could speak freely with him without injuring his feelings. I said well it's like this, all weekend you drink, and party. Your body is dehydrated from all the alcohol consumption and so you wake up with a headache,a stomach ache and your body is just tired and feel worn out and so you dread coming to work or even getting out of the bed and for some reason you feel the need to repeat this process every single weekend. Now, you got granny here, I go to church on the weekend, fill up with the Word of God. Worship God, get to see my friends, sing, be happy, get some much needed rest and when I get here on Monday, I feel great and am full of energy and ready to go!

He looked at me and said well I am young and I like to party, I said hey I get it, I've done a little partying to in my day. But, I learned a long long time ago that was not the plan for my life and so I stopped and now I don't have to dread Mondays anymore. I can't say that he fell down on his face and repented and gave his heart to the Lord, but, he watched and listened to me the entire time I worked there. I planted a seed and I expect it to grow. Someone else will come along and water that seed and fertilize it and I fully expect it to come to full fruition one day.

We set the standard for what kind of day we are going to have. Not others, it is our own thinking, our own words that frame that day and we need to learn to speak well over ourselves. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, because He has made me so. I am blessed and highly favored of the Lord and His favor surrounds me like a shield. I am going to have a very productive and blessed day because His Word tells me that whatever I do will prosper, Psalm 1. God has given us creative power with our words and we must use those words to build wonderful things in this earth realm. Speak life over yourself and others. Stop the negative speeches and choose wisely the words that come out of your mouth. This is something that I have struggled with for years and am just now really getting hold of the extreme importance of our words.

Be blessed today whether it is a rainy day, a snowy day, or a sunshiny bright day. This is the day that the Lord has made, lets choose to be glad in it and await what He has in store for us to do. Each day can be an adventure with Jesus if we just realize that we are working for the King in the kingdom of God and He gives us assignments to do. That will change your whole outlook on life. When you start to think, I am on a mission for the Lord, I am an ambassador for the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Let's be productive in this God given day, let's praise Him and thank Him for all that He has done and be glad in whatever comes our way. The joy of the Lord is our strength and we can have a good day no matter what comes our way in Jesus name.

Priscilla Hinds-Blogger/Writer

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