Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Improving Blog-Site

Wow! I have been super busy the last couple of days trying, with very little knowledge, to update and expand my blog-site to be more social media friendly. I tell ya right now, this has been an undertaking. But, I can do all thing through Christ who gives me the strength.

I am trying to make sure you can find me on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest
Here is the link for Pinterest:  https://www.pinterest.com/aword42day/

Here is the link for Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Writing4Hisglory/?hc_ref=PAGES_TIMELINE&fref=nf

Still working on the Twitter account. For now it is just my regular Twitter account where I share the writings from this Blog site.

Despise not small beginnings says the Lord.

Priscilla Hinds

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