Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Facebook and email launch

Well......I finally did it. I launched the facebook page for AWord42Day. I also set up a gmail account for the page which will also link to this blog. Later on a Twitter and Pinterest and all of those things that we do in social media these days. I just want as many outlets to share the love of Christ and be an encouragement to people. Especially the household of faith aka the Body of Christ. We all need to be encouraged, to be lifted up and helped. I sure do. I know there have been many days that I felt so beat down and so ready to just throw in the towel and I would see a cute picture or see an inspiring quote or someone would send me an email or a message or text and I would perk up and feel better.

So....this is why I write and tweet and facebook and all of the above. Not to become a famous writer or blogger or to have anything go viral and end up on a talk show. No...my sole reason is to honor God with the talents and abilities that He has placed in me to do what He has called me to do,which is to make Him known and to know Him. That's it in a nutshell. My prayer is that someone will be encouraged, lifted up, inspired, stirred to action, and spurned onward and upward by something that is written or shared on any of the social media outlets that AWord42Day is connected to.

Onward and upward to God be the glory!!!!

Priscilla Hinds

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