Monday, June 26, 2017

He Uses The Throw Away Things

When I made this necklace it was just a whim. I really didn't know how it would turn out. I was really just fooling around with different ideas and out came this lovely piece. It was really to be a prototype and not to be for sale at all. I only wore it this one time to take a pic and I thought to myself, it sure needs tweeking. I will have to trim this and that and lengthen the necklace a little to keep it from poking into me and so forth. I posted this pic on facebook along with some other necklaces and this is the one that everyone wanted. 

I thought to myself, well isn't that odd? The one that I had the least amount of confidence in has gotten the most attention and response. Isn't that the way life is sometimes? We will scurry about worrying and fussing over a certain thing in our lives and that thing is the very thing that will help someone else. You know the messy things in your life that you really would rather not share with others. You know that thing that you wish had never happened and that is the very thing that God will use to help someone else get out of the pit that they are in.

I want to encourage someone today. Be who you are. Don't try to be anyone else but you and don't be afraid to show your weaknesses and past short comings and failures because God will use that very thing to bring you into a more intimate relationship with Him and bring Him so much glory. I have learned over the years that we have to be willing to share where we came from and what we have gone through before we came to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Look at this necklace, all the papers used in it are from magazine pages. Destined for the trash but I saw them and saw a necklace. You don't know what others might see in your throw away things. Save them, share them with others and let God get the glory for what is done in and through your life. God bless you today and enjoy God. He is on your side and is for you. Romans 8:28

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