Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Beautiful In His Time

In Ecclesiastes 3:11 the word tells us that He has made everything beautiful in it's time. Did you get that? He has done it, not us and in it's time. Not in our time, not in our friend's time, but in the appointed time for that person, place or thing. God is not ruled by time. He works in and out of time. He walks the time line and is at the beginning and the end simultaneously. We want things to happen right now and that's all there is to it. Right now God! I want everything to just work out just like it should and yesterday please? But, we must realize that just like the autumn leaves that were once green have to slowly turn into their new season and before they release their fully spent selves to God and fall down to the ground, it is a waiting process. I have been walking today and as I walked, I could hear the rustle of the leaves around me and I began to think about leaves and how I have seen green leaves with just one little spot of gold or red and they were still pliable and mostly green and yet they were lying on the ground. I thought to myself isn't this just like us? Don't we turn loose before our time? Don't we jump the gun and say Lord I can see the vision of what you have for me? I see what you are calling me to and let me just turn loose and take that leap and then like that leaf that still was mostly green all we do is fall to the ground before He was finished with that beautiful coloring process that only time can bring. I want to stay on the tree until He is completely finished with His beautiful artwork. I want to do exactly what He wants me to do and not what I want. What I want, although it might be good, in theory, if not His perfect will, will land me on the sidewalk looking up just like that mostly green leaf.

I know I look at things differently than most people and I see things in a different light but, He truly spoke to me today through the leaves and through all of the beautiful colorations on each and every one of them. Only a loving and awesome God could grow a tree and each leaf be completely different and yet strangely, the same. Only God can color each leaf and  make each one beautiful in it's time. Only God can take people and allow their color and brightness to come from within and reflect His perfect glory, all the while allowing for that perfect work of His to continue. I have said for years, anyone can count the seeds in an apple but only God can count the apples in a single seed. When we consider how majestic all of God's handiwork is, we will realize our significance through our insignificance. The Psalmist David said it best when he penned these words in Psalm 8: When I consider the heavens, the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained, what is man that thou art mindful of him? I totally understand that feeling of awe. I have many times looked at the beauty in creation and just cried like a baby and said oh God why do you love me so? I am amazed at the beauty that He has created and at times feel so insignificant and small but in my weakness, He is made strong. In my imperfections, His perfect glory is manifested. When people see Him in me, I am so happy and humbled and still shocked and amazed that He would bother with me.

He has brought me from such a very low place and I am in awe of His goodness and His mercy towards me. I never cease to be completely dumbfounded that He would just keep calling and reaching out and calling and reaching out time and time again to a stiff-necked, stubborn willed girl that wanted her own way. Today if you feel like a green leaf hanging on a tree among all the beautiful colors just waiting for your chance to fulfill your destiny, know and realize that He has truly made everything beautiful in it's own time and He has not forgotten about you. If He called you to it, He will bring you to it and then through it for His glory and honor. Just hang on little green leaf, your bright and colorful days are just ahead and as your season moves forward you will begin to see His timing and reasoning in each and every step of your journey.

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