Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Fear Not! only believe!

Has Your Miracle Been Timed-Out? Do you feel like everyone else is getting their miracle all the while you are praying and seeking God and you feel like the windows of Heaven are closed, the BIG office in Heaven has put your call on hold and you just can't seem to get through?  Do you feel like you are walking through an endless maze to get to your miracle? today's daily Bible reading, as I began to read Matthew 9, the Lord began to give me this writing and so here it is.........

Today as I was doing my daily Bible reading, I began to read about the woman with the issue of blood, which is found in Matthew 9, the whole chapter is full of Jesus healing people. This healing with the woman of the issue of blood is usually the go-to sermon preached from this chapter but today I want to deal with the other guy, the one that was put on hold as Jesus took notice of the woman that had touched the hem of His garment, this man's miracle was already in progress: In Matthew's gospel the man is listed as a ruler that came to Jesus and said my daughter is already dead but if you will come, you can heal her, that is good but if you really want to get a fuller description of what happened let's go into another account, another perspective from the gospel of Mark and in the fifth chapter we get a fuller and richer account of this story. As it happened the ruler's name was Jairus and his daughter was near death, he was coming to Jesus to get Jesus so He could come and heal her. His faith level was high obviously or he wouldn't have even came to get Jesus in the first place. He told Jesus what he needed and Jesus and His followers started along behind Jairus but right in the middle of the making of the miracle, if you will, the woman with the issue of blood knowing that if she could just touch the hem of His garment that she would be made whole, she had already purposed in her heart and mind to do this very thing and she had already pressed through the crowd to get there and when she did get there she did exactly as she had purposed in her heart to do, she reached out and touched the hem of His garment and when she did.....................she stopped everything because Jesus could feel the anointing, the virtue coming out of Him. Wow!! Isn't that amazing that we can touch Him in such a way that it stops everything and He focuses in on you and your need, your problem, your anxiety, your need for a MIRACLE!

But.......what about the "other guy" Jairus, what about him? right in the middle of him getting to Jesus to get Him to come and heal his daughter his miracle get's timed out by Jesus so He could speak a word of healing into this woman's life. I can only imagine how Jairus felt that day. He probably felt like this woman had just interrupted to a point where he was going to miss his miracle. But, it was not so, Jesus was and is well able and willing to heal and save and deliver anyone that comes to Him in simple child-like faith. To make matters even worse for Jairus as he was waiting for Jesus to finish with the woman and to come with him to his house to heal his daughter, one of his servants approaches him and says, "Don't bother the Master any further, your daughter is dead." Oh my! what hear-breaking, gut-wrenching news that must have been! and as the enemy was trying to take his faith and cause him to no longer believe in Jesus, Jesus turns to Jairus and says, "Fear not, only believe." and believe he did and Jesus came to his house and raised his daughter up and said she is only sleeping. Can you imagine the jubilant joy in this household? Oh my gracious! The joy of restoration, the joy of just experiencing a life-changing miracle. His daughter was raised from the dead!

I have often thought, "What if Jairus hadn't continued to believe Jesus? What if he had listened to his servant and just went on his way? He would have missed his miracle! He would have gone home to a dead child, a broken heart, an unrealized dream but no! HE BELIEVED! and received his miracle! Don't give up today! Don't stop believing that God is well able and willing to heal you, save your child, fix your finances, restore your marriage! He is well able! He is more than willing! Your miracle is on the way!

Aren't we sometimes fearful that God has abandoned us? That He isn't listening to our needs? That He isn't willing to work a miracle in our lives, that He isn't willing to restore all and to focus just on us. Listen..I have been through seasons with the Lord where I thought surely I had been put on hold and that Jesus was just too busy to deal with me, I'm sure we have all felt that way at one time or another in our lives. But, He is the Great I am, He is the Alpha and the Omega, The Beginning and the end, He knows everything and is everywhere at the same time and is well able and willing to bring restoration, healing, deliverance, salvation, mercy, grace, whatever is needed right to our house. No matter how many other people have already received their healing, no matter how many other people you have seen that have received restoration in their marriage, no matter how many people have seen their children saved, healed and delivered, FEAR NOT, ONLY BELIEVE! YOUR MIRACLE MAY BE TIMED OUT BUT IT IS ON THE WAY!!!

The Bible reading that I do everyday is Daily B.R.E.A.D.. Here is the link to the group that I am a part of. Great group, accountability to daily Bible reading, lots of commentary on what is read and just a great group of folks that love Jesus and love His word.

I hope you all have a great day and just remember your miracle is in the making!
Priscilla Hinds
Blogger/Writer AWord42Day
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