Friday, October 6, 2017

That's A Mighty BIG Bite you have there young lady.

I have always been super ambitious. I would think up all kinds of things to do and to create and places to go and I would go overboard and my dad would say, "Sis, don't bite off more than you can chew." and of course I always did and I would end up not finishing projects, forgetting important things that I had taken responsibility for and end up making folks mad at me and disappointing them and myself as well. I would see things that needed to be done whether it was at church or at home and I would take it all on and then fall flat of my face when I became overwhelmed. I am at age 55 still doing the same things. We call it multi-tasking these days. You know you are typing something on the computer, talking on the phone, something is in the oven and on the stove, dishes in the dishwasher, clothes in the washer and dryer and someone is knocking on the door and in our society this is considered the "norm" well....I am the world's worst for doing this type of stuff and then taking on even more and more and more just because it is something that "needs" to be done. I have come to the conclusion if I am to keep my sanity, I am going to have to be very selective, and choosy as to what I take on because I have once again overwhelmed my self. I can hear my dad's voice in my ear again, "Sis, don't bite off more than you can chew." and I have done just that. I have chewed and chewed and chewed and it doesn't seem to be getting any smaller, it actually seems to be getting bigger and bigger and I just know that it will get stuck in my throat if I try to swallow so I have decided to spit it all out for a while, pull to the side and have a little talk with my Jesus.

I have recently had to start on anxiety meds because I have overwhelmed myself and I haven't had to take any in almost 12 years. I am still learning that just because something needs to be done, doesn't mean I have to be the one to do it or in other words just because something needs to be chewed doesn't mean that it is my BIG BITE TO CHEW!  Lord have mercy why do I do these things to myself? Why do I take on and take on until I am utterly exhausted, frustrated and feel downright crazy? Is it because I am trying to prove myself? am I insecure in some area and feel the need to impress people with my multiple skill sets and abilities? Well.. whatever it is, I am stopping it today. I will maintain my sanity, do my writing, preaching, teaching as God would have it and lay everything else down. I have to do it or be completely out of the will of the Father and that I refuse to do.

Hopefully...this time I have learned my lesson, Lord knows I hope that I have. This was not my BITE and I took it anyway and I nearly chocked to death on it!

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