Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Let Joy Be Your Compass

I have heard this little phrase over and over again in the last couple of years. "Let joy be your compass." What does that  mean exactly? Well...to me it means this: 1. The word tells us that in His presence is fullness of joy. 2. The joy of the Lord is our strength so when we say let joy be our compass, we are truly saying let the joy of the Lord that you received in His presence be your guide.

Sounds good to me. Letting the joy of the Lord lead you. When you find yourself in a situation that has caused you to lose your peace of mind and your joy has flown out the window, it is then that we need to look internally and do a joy check. The Holy Spirit of God is not only our comforter but He is our guide and when we allow Him to lead us into all truth, we will avoid the things that cause us to be frustrated, agitated and down-right angry. Not to say, mind you, that we will never be frustrated or angry but what I am saying is when you are around people that keep you upset, and you find that your joy is gone, it is time to realign to the Holy Spirit. Get in the presence of the Lord and get your joy back.

In the scriptures we see King David, the man after God's own heart saying these words: Lord, restore to me the joy of my salvation." Notice he didn't say restore to me my salvation because he still possessed that glorious relationship with the king of kings but his joy was gone because he had allowed himself to become entangled with people and things that he should not have and had in the process of doing those things lost his joy. Joy is from the Lord. Joy is not the same thing as happiness. Lots of folks confuse the two or think that they are one in the same and this is not true. Happiness is based upon the happenings around you. Oh, I am happy about this or that but joy that comes from God is in place as long as you are following His plan. That joy is in full abound no matter what comes or goes because it comes from being in the presence of the Lord.

I encourage you today to set aside a time each and every day to worship God, get in His presence and just talk to Him. Don't beg or ask for anything. Just talk to Him. Thank Him for all that He has done and just soak up his presence. Your joy will soar and you will realign your spiritual compass and then that wandering about will stop because your true north is reset. God bless you today as you seek His face and are overwhelmed with His glorious joy, that is unspeakable and full of glory. One of my favorite songs is Over my head by Jenn Johnson out of Bethel church. The song touches my heart and spirit. When you get into the presence of God and just go all in and let Him just wash over you, you will be in over your head and it's ok.

Here is the link to the song.


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