Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Slippery Slope Of Sin

Good Saturday morning. A big fall begins with a little stumble. Sin is a lot like standing at the edge of a cliff or deep dark hole, it will draw you closer and closer to the edge of darkness and often times many have lost their balance and fallen into the vast darkness. They've destroyed their families, reputations, and careers through adulterous affairs that began with a "mere" flirtation but then progressed to thoughts and actions.

 Looking back they almost always say, "I never thought it would come to this." We think we can flirt with temptation, get very close to the edge, and walk away, but that's a fool's dream. We know an action is wrong and yet we toy with it. Then, inescapably, we are drawn into deeper and darker perversions. Jesus put it simply: "Whoever commits sin is a slave of sin."

 And so, seeing our own need for God's help, we pray as David did in Psalm 19:13, "Keep back Your servant also from deliberate sins; let them not have dominion over me." ( Whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. John 8:34 ). Have a great day.

~Trina Cole~

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