Saturday, August 8, 2015

Behind Every Temptation Is A Snake


Good Saturday morning. God's commands can overpower Satan's suggestions. No matter how beautiful it's portrayed, sin holds out promises but in the end offers no rewards. Tempted to doubt God's goodness we can ignore God's warnings and soon loose everything. 

The rewards for disobedience to God can result in alienation, pain, emptiness, toil and strife, and even death. Sin looks inviting and may feel good, but it doesn't compare with the wonder, beauty, and fragrance of trusting and obeying God, who has made us to share His life and joy.

 ( God knows that when you eat from it ( the tree of knowledge of good and evil) your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil. Genesis 3:5 ). Have a great day.
~Trina Cole~

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