Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Getting Perspective

Lately so many different things have tried to overwhelm me. I allowed myself to become frustrated with situations, people and the presence of sickness and ailments in my body. I had, shall we say, lost my perspective. I had forgotten, if only for a moment, that I am seated in Heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Which means that from that Heavenly perspective I have dominion and authority over the things that try so hard to overwhelm and overcome me.

When we try to sit in a place that wasn't designed for us to sit, we become frustrated at best and lose our God given perspective. For instance, if I am seated on the floor, although I am an extremely large and tall woman, I feel very small and insignificant while I am on the floor. Even a small child could walk past me and drop something on my head and it would harm me because I am seated somewhere that I don't belong. Likewise when we allow ourselves to become dislodged or displaced, our perspective changes and we begin to feel overpowered, overwhelmed, insignificant and at times we may even feel completely unnecessary in the grand scheme of things.

The Lord has been speaking to me about perspective for quite a while now. Getting me to even move furniture around in my own little tiny apartment to get a different perspective or outlook. I had been complaining that there wasn't enough light in the apartment and that I couldn't grow anything and it was depressing and dark and the Lord said change your perspective. Do what you can in the natural. So I actually changed the furniture around and moved my desk to the other end of the apartment by the window and now I can look out the window while I write. I live on the third floor so needless to say, there is a completely different perspective from the third floor while looking out the window. Much better than before. When my desk was at the other end of the apartment. Yes it was still in front of a window but all you could see at best, if the curtains were opened was a wall and maybe a noisy neighbor or two LOL.

I am one of those people that just has to have music, light, plants and animals. I adore living things. I love to grow things, to create things, to cook and to feed folks. I had actually allowed myself to get depressed living in this tiny apartment with no access to grow anything or to have much light coming into the apartment. I have now changed my perspective and have learned to compensate for what was lacking. I have extremely bright colors in my apartment, which is part of my personality yes but it also helps to lighten things up in here. Sometimes when problems arise we allow ourselves to forget who we are in Christ Jesus we lose our perspective. We forget that we are the head and not the tail, that we are above ONLY and not beneath. That we indeed are seated in Heavenly places with Christ Jesus and that He loves us with an everlasting love and has us on His mind continually.

When you are overcoming a people-pleaser mentality, as I am sometimes you forget who you are and try to be who everyone wants you to be. Let me just say one word about that: STOP!!!! God has created you in His likeness and in His image and you don't have to be like anyone else at all. He has created you with your own brand of uniqueness and with your own special qualities, talents and abilities. Love who you are, love who He created you to be. Get some perspective.

Today if you are feeling overwhelmed, or are feeling burned out or frustrated just remember your Heavenly Father has you on His seating chart in Heaven. All you have to do is take your seat and use your God given authority and dominion and rise above any and all obstacles that might be trying to hinder your goal or destiny.There is only one you and only you can fill your seat.

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